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Fic Journal/Archive: ieja88 (I have lost my mojo of abbreviation and linking one page to another)
Email: elvenphlyx(at)gmail(dot)com
Pairings you want to write: Older generation of Kansai Juniors such as Veteran, OsSAN, BAD and those generation of juniors. And some of those from Kusumoto’s generation as well. I’m not very familiar with the younger ones. For the Tokyo juniors, besides MA, MAD and MADE most of them are debuted, but ABC-Z and above are still acceptable… I’m not very familiar with the younger ones, but I can try. Chino Aoi is acceptable as side character or just to add cuteness.
Pairings/People you don't want to write: Little chibi ones and Sexy Zone.
Pairings/People you want in your fic: Any Kanju mix especially Veteran, OsSan and BAD Boys. Especially Masashi centered or Kusumoto centered. A non pairing is okay, I’d rather it’s a non pairing but more of a complex relationship and not just a pair fic.
Who do you not want: Tokyo boys. I have read enough of them.
What do you want to read in your fic (situations/kinks/genres): Tear-jerker. Anything from character death and seriously painful sickness to being thrown into slavery. Anything would be fine really RL, AU or any setting. As long as it’s a tear jerker.
What do you not like to receive (situations/kinks/genres): Porn. I don’t want a sex centered fic.
Preferred rating: Any would be fine. NC-17 or 18SX is fine but then for the gore action and the politics or slavery notion. I would like to stress again No sex.
Could you pinch-hit? No.
Could you beta? No.
Anything else you want to say? I would prefer to write a clean fiction if I can. Nothing pornish. Simple kiss and coupling is fine, but not straight sex.
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