Jul 05, 2005 20:31
Well, well, look who's back! No, it's not Missy Elliott, it's moi! Hiya! ;-]
Well, what's new in this crazy world of LJ? I doubt anyone even reads my thing anymore. But that's ok. It's been so long since I last posted I don't even know where to start, what to say... What's this? Am I nervous? More like with a huge headache and my head feels like it's going kaboom. And my neck is killing me! What's that pain thing called? A muscular spasm? I'm like translating from the word in Spanish so forgive me if I just made up a new concept in the English language. Yeah, I need to see a doctor.
Wow, so I've had no Summer. I barely partied for my birthday (though when I did it was a good time), I study, study, study... I have no life. It's all school and work. Right now I'm taking an Advanced Statistics class that for some reason is requisite for my Communications major. Let me tell you, my prof. is so hate-able! I swear I hate that fucking woman. It's more of a love-hate relationship, but I hate it when she gets into gossip mode, which is the majority of all the classes we've had so far. She feels the need to talk just for the sake of talking. And it pisses me off so bad. She talks about her freaking experience when she lived through a shoot-out in the expressway, when she could've stolen some item from JC Penney because there was no cashier in the one cash register next to the doors but didn't because, "what if the security guard was once a student of mine?" Who the fuck cares, lame-o! Oh, god. I need to control myself so I don't fall in the same position as her. But seriously... Tomorrow we have a test and today I finally started to understand what we're doing because she felt like talking about math for a change!
Ha!!! But I got a fucking A in my Photography class from June! That was such an orgasmic thing, to get an A. I just couldn't believe it. I mean, I better have gotten it after all the work I did during that month. I really slaved myself and my Mom with me to take all the pictures, develop them and turn them into paper. In the end it paid off and that makes me happy. Who knew I'd ever get excited about grades and stuff like that? But really, it is exciting and I've just recently realized that after this upcoming semester (Aug. to Dec.) I will only have 9 classes left. Then it's graduation and............. . . .. ... ..... . What next? :getsscared: I have no idea what's next but I better get a life soon, or I won't make it past this Summer.
I kinda feel like going on a vacation but that's like so not possible right now. But for November/December, I'm planning something big and nice for then.
studious (is that a word?)