June, July,and now it's August

Aug 01, 2008 12:34

It's been an interesting coupla months. On 6-11, last day of school for the little ones, I had to call 911 and Sean, in that order. Told him to call his dad, and take the girls to school. Turns out I had a myocardial infarction. No damage to the actual heart muscle, but I had 4 stents put in due to blockages. While at the CCU, I had a doppler done on my carotid arteries, and had a 98% blockage on the right side. So...surgery scheduled for 6-30. BTW, also diabetic-on insulin.
On 6-30, I go in for pre-op, and tell them I took ONE nitroglycerin pill the night before. Decision is made to send me back to the CCU and have the "into the groin, sfter which you must lay flat and not move your leg" dye run through to make sure no new heart issues. Okay-passed! While waiting for my turn for the operating room, I feel like I need to cough. I need to sit up to do that--NOPE! I kept saying I need to sit up and cough. Break out in major flop sweat. and I remember screaming "help me NOW! I can't breathe!" Woke up thinking surgery done, and it's Monday afternoon. NOPE again. It's Thursday nite, and I have been unconscious and on multiple machines since Monday morning. Diagnosis-flash edema (congestive heart failure).

Surgery rescheduled to 7-21. This time all went well. Had some new interns come in to say hi--@@. Within earshot of hubby they discuss the reasons why I should have had neurological damage! NOPE again. Apparently, for as sick as I was on 6-30 (heart stoppage, bright blue Smurfette due to hypoxia (no oxygen), and such, I'm actually in very good shape! AND I'VE LOST 13 POUNDS!!!! WHOOO HOOOO!
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