Nov 07, 2005 16:16
currently updating from my laptop on the bus!!! ooh wat fun.. someone needs to get me away from my laptop x.X....hmm.. so yeah, it's been a while since i've actually surfed around LJ and lookd at all its features. i got really excited when i saw scrapbook and was like.. wow! i can post up pictures to show all my friends? and then i realized that i had to get a paid account in order to use that feature. oh poopers.. that's no fun.. that's one more upper for xanga cuz now they let me upload my own pictures and graphics....i have a feeling i'm gonna be drifting away from LJ more now.... b/c not only does xanga have that much wanted feature of uploading your own graphics and saving yourself the energy of finding free image hosting but i've also become hooked on to which is just infinitely better in so many ways. hehe. first of all, the template is so much easier to use. this means i have an easier time editing my layout and as you all know i'm very big in web design. second, my current layout there is just soo much prettier than the one i have here in livejournal but that could be due to laziness and me giving up on ever trying to figure out how to layout this LJ. third, it is less boxier than xanga and u can choose basically w/e links and other stuff you want to put on your blog. so basically, what i really like about blogger is that it offers the blogging & commenting services but lets you have free reign w/ the layout design, etc. so now, i've accumulated a lot of blogs that i'm starting to not really want... normally i just leave each blog to sit in the dust if i don't want to update but recently i've been getting this feeling of obligation like i really have to update each blog. idk.. mehbe cuz i'm torn in so many directions.. i really like my blogs on geocities and blogger b/c it gives me the freedom to make w/e layout i want. however, my group of high school friends really like to use livejournal whereas the other half of my high school friends & college friends use xanga. plus i like msn space b/c it's really pretty altho now i just use that to post lyrics that i really love.. wow, so many blogs and not enough time to update each one properly.. idk guys.. would u really hate me if i just posted the link to my blogger here and have u go read my life over there?? =( let me know...
P.S. wat's a community? i know i joined the e-hall cult one a long time ago, but idk wat i'm supposed to do. is it just like a group that you belong in? like a xanga blogring? or is there more to it??
~ luv always, junie