still alive...!

May 22, 2005 19:58

"oh what a beautiful morning! oh what a beautiful day! i've got a beautiful feeling, everything's going my way..."

~ok, idk why i have that song stuck in my head when

a) it is currently night time. not morning.

b) it has been raining periodically for the entire gloomy day

c) and everything is definitely not going my way considering that i'm stuck here doing stat homework (or was. taking a break now)

so there you go. but my mind has been wandering around aimlessly for the past few hours because

a) i have stat hw

b) i'm suffereing from a headache (and am becoming increasingly sick...seee there's this positive linear association between the minutes that pass by and the worsening of my illness...oh fricking fudge..noo..stat >.<)

c) my geocities site is down, and i'm forced to update on my other three random blogs b/c i have this annoying urge to type a blog entry (one would say i'm addicted to blogs..note the number i have)

but, yeah, i am finally feeling the effects of not having my geocities site up (due to the annoying fact that geocities completely erased my entire layout which i had worked on over my entire spring click..and then poof!). due to the loss of my website, i have been drifting from one blog to another updating randomly. and for the first time in my life, i am actually updating here and not posting up random surveys. w00t to the accomplishment. (or not). mwuAHAHAH. oops..caps lock. scary =D

yeah, i've noticed i've gathered up quite a collection of blogs. sorta sad actually. haha. a xanga, a live journal, and msn space. and i'm speculating on getting another one. why?? i'm so weird. haha. but i've noticed how i've adopted different personalities on each one. well, not different personalities. but i only allow certain ones through on each blog due to which type of audience i'm bound to receive. xanga = azn community. livejournal = eccentric e-hall guests. msn space = no one! LoL yay! geocities is really where all these "personalities" come together and make.. ME! haha, which is why i need my geocities back, but of course, i'm too lazy and far too "busy" at the current moment to recode my entire layout. *sigh*. so i continue to drift..

hmmm, currently wondering how i got hooked onto blogs. i think the initial "fault" was sophia. not really her fault. just me being rather happy aim profile reading mood. and i stumbled onto her profile and she has her xanga link on it and i was like "wow! cool!" and then got one myself.. hehe. then after gettign really annoyed that i couldn't manipulate xanga to make pretty layouts, i decided to transform my rather random website on geocities into a blog, and let my creativity get the better of me. hmm, i dunno why i got a livejournal tho. mehbe due to the fact that mad, sonal, and dana were loving it and encouraging everyone to get one, and i sorta got curious. and walla~ here we go ~ my very ugly livejournal =P. hee. and i got hooked to msn space because of weisha. hehe. stumbled onto hers. loved her layout. got one. and found pretty layouts. hehe. but i will always <3 my geocities..once i get my layout back. haha

alrighty, so a lil update on my life cuz i know you guyz all need one. ^_~ busy week this week. Stat hw due tomorrow. linear regression testing...hence my outbreak b4. x.X...i have to start planning for my english presentation and researching..aiyahh x.X not looking forward to that. physics project ~ WE DO NOT HAVE A PIEZOELECTRIC CRYSTAL. in short, my group is screwed. mehbe it's time to start exercising a new project? *sigh* not going well. another calc test. start bio project. a stat test coming up. oh yeah! chorus awards dinner on tues. looking forward to that. and then memorial day weekend! hopefully we get the friday off idk disctrict hasn't said anything .grr.. but nevertheless, if i don't go to nyc and meet up w/ mimi, then i'm def gonna go see monster-in-law. hehe. prolly w. family cuz they all wanna see it too. =D. and...possibly getting a haircut x.X i need hair is ultra-long right now..haha.

okay~ enough typing. it's time to get back to stat. x.X!!!!!!

oh yes, btw, i got prom pix up finally! still working on post cuz i'm slow like that. click link
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