Dec 20, 2000 01:33
yeah i love kris schwind... he is so great.... he's a sweetie to me... read on to find out the details of our conversation.,... for anyone but jane this may not be very interesting!!!!
Cheer037: hey kris how r u?
KRISWIN60: alright whats up
Cheer037: not much... kinda bored... and in need of something to smoke... but other then that nothing... i just thought i'd say hi
KRISWIN60: what kind of shit to smoke?
Cheer037: what do u think
KRISWIN60: herb?
Cheer037: yeah
KRISWIN60: go to the porch on chamber street
KRISWIN60: in the berg
Cheer037: yeah
KRISWIN60: that is where i usually get it
Cheer037: how much do u pay?
KRISWIN60: 5 for a nickel bag
Cheer037: cool
Cheer037: gee how did i know to say that to u
KRISWIN60: 2 niks will set 5 people straight
Cheer037: that works
KRISWIN60: or you know eric johnston the one not in our grade?
Cheer037: yeah
KRISWIN60: you can get it from him to
Cheer037: cool...
Cheer037: this makes me happy that i still talk to u...
KRISWIN60: yeah its cool
KRISWIN60: you look outside lately?
Cheer037: yeah it's snowing... i haen't looked i heard from a friend
KRISWIN60: i just got home from work
Cheer037: where do u work again?
KRISWIN60: h&m in the mall
KRISWIN60: it is a big store
Cheer037: that's what i thought... u must never be working when i'm over there
Cheer037: yeah i know
KRISWIN60: i usually work nights
Cheer037: that's why
Cheer037: i was there yesterday
Cheer037: durring the day
KRISWIN60: what time?
KRISWIN60: i got there at three
Cheer037: some where around 12 or 1
Cheer037: yeah jane healy and i went out to lunch and shopping
Cheer037: she's my other pot head
KRISWIN60: what she smokes to?
Cheer037: yeah
KRISWIN60: how long has she smoked
Cheer037: since she went away
KRISWIN60: where does she go?
Cheer037: she goes to st. michael's... it's near burlington vermont
KRISWIN60: how do guys smoke out of bowls and shit like that?
Cheer037: what do u mean?
KRISWIN60: like do you smoke joints blunts out of pipes?
KRISWIN60: a bowl is a pipe
Cheer037: well i've smoked joints, bowls and bongs.... yeah i know
KRISWIN60: you should learn how to role blunts they are the best
Cheer037: yeah so i've heard
Cheer037: seriously kris i thin it would be funny if we smoked together
Cheer037: think*
KRISWIN60: it might happen i smoke almost everyday
Cheer037: cool
Cheer037: yeah it would be interesting that i can say
KRISWIN60: you should go to new paltz and get a phat bowl
Cheer037: no i have the best place in boston... it's got some of the nicest bolws and bongs and stuff
KRISWIN60: go on the main strip to either kontiki's or liquids
Cheer037: but yeah i might do that
KRISWIN60: you can get a really nice one for like 30 or 40 nbeans
Cheer037: sweet
Cheer037: you're givin me all the hookups tonight gees
KRISWIN60: i am so bored man my car is in the shop so all i have is my grandma's car i can only take it to work and school
Cheer037: oh that sucks
KRISWIN60: yup
Cheer037: y is it in the shop?
KRISWIN60: i blew the engine again
Cheer037: how?
KRISWIN60: racing
Cheer037: dumb ass
Cheer037: i mean that in a nice way
KRISWIN60: oh well
Cheer037: u got to be nice to your car... u don't need to go broke because of it
Cheer037: hey kris if i gave u the money to get me weed would u go get it for me?
KRISWIN60: perhaps but like i said i don't have a car right now
Cheer037: well yeah i don't have a reliable car right now so.... but i'm home till jan 7th.... and i'll be out of school for the year at the end of april so....
KRISWIN60: alright well i will most likely talk to you before you go back so we will see what the deal is
Cheer037: ok... sweet... i better try and get some sleep so i'll talk to u soon
KRISWIN60: bye
Cheer037: thanks kris...
Cheer037: bye