Fear is...

May 10, 2007 13:04

... reclining merrily in one bitchin' bubble bath, only to hear the sound of something POUNDING on the side of your house about ten feet away from the bathroom (opaque of course) window.

Long story short, my neighbor happens to be in this fitful revolution of home improvement. Earlier in the week, during a windy afternoon, a canopy from his house BLEW across the way and smoked the rain gutter, on the side of our own home. Slaughtering it. Word was given that he'd pay for repairs, but we didn't know upon which day these repairs would.. well.. happen.

So of course, when I'm rather content to unwind with the aforementioned BUBBLE bath of all things... WHAM.. some guy is reaming on the pipes not too far off from the part of the house that I happen to be situated in...

Gooood morning!
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