May 30, 2005 17:33
Today I went fishing with my family and it was funnn. We also brought Rawley along :) He got in the water and was all wet. I hate the wet dog smell. When we were in the boat he kept trying to jump out so I had to hold on to him for a while. Then the sun came out and I layed down in the front of the boat and listened to my favorite radio station. xD I also drank 2 cans of soda. Then SUDDENLY, SWITCH CAME ON!!! :o It was funny because right when it came on I thought of Som. 8P
Then we like got out of the boat and played on the sand with Rawley. I got in the water and it was so freakin cold --; I still got in it though. xD
Overall I would rate today on a scale of 1-10 (1 being bad and 10 being good) a 8.9