What Jewish words do you use?
Alter kacker (or alter kocker) - a lecherous old man; an old fart
Bubkes (also spelled "bupkis") - nothing
Chutzpah - ballsiness, guts, daring, audacity
Feygele - homosexual (literally 'little bird')
Kvetch - to complain habitually, gripe; or, a person who always complains
Putz - unclean penis; stupid 'dirty' person (from Yiddish פּאָץ pots)
Schmooze - To small talk or chat. Can also be a form of brown-noseing.
Schmuck - a contemptible or foolish person; a jerk; literally means 'penis' (taken from Yiddish shmok 'penis')
Shmutz - dirt (German Schmutz)
Tochis - rear end (from Yiddish תּחת tokhes)
Verklempt - choked with emotion (German verklemmt = emotionally inhibited in a convulsive way)
Zaydeh (or zayde) - grandfather (possibly a Slavonic word, cf. Polish dziadek, meaning "grandfather")
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Zaydeh Joberg is an alter kacker. :)