(no subject)

Oct 15, 2010 11:51

So tired of having to do powerpoints for class. I really can't wait for this class to be over with. This teacher has been beyond frustrating. She is expecting that all our checkpoints be done as if you were writing a research paper. Even if it's under 250-300 words. None of my teachers have required this. Frankly it's a pain in the ass. Not to mention no matter how detailed my answers are she refuses to give me full points on things. She's so picky and it's frustrating. Our DQ response's for participation are supposed to be 75-100 words. I've made well thought out responses that exceed her expectations and she still is a hag about it. I'm not looking forward to my next class; Religions of the World. *shoots self* I do get to start my Fundamentals of Policing though so that should be fun and then i have Intro to Criminal Court System/Behavioral Science. All in all I'l finally get some things I am actually interested in (I'm hoping).

Nothing really going on otherwise. Marc's grandpa passed away on the 7th. That's the third grandparent in the last 3yrs :/. The only upside is the money so that everyone can be taken care of a bit better. I think they are moving. IDK where but they were talking about it before his grandpa died. With inheriting all this money I think they are going to move into a new house sooner or later. Haven't done any wedding planning. We don't have a budget set so I don't want to look at things until I know how much we are going to spend on it. I'd rather look at things within budget than find things I really like and then find out they're too expensive. Uhm Dani is coming out next yr to go dress shopping with me. That's pretty exciting. It'll be nice to have her out here. I need to start looking and planning what we are going to do while she is here. I know we are for sure going to the Mutter Museum. Me and Marc went there last yr and that place is super awesome.

Nothing else really to update on as my life will be pretty lame until me and Marc move next year. I do still read everyone's posts even though I don't really post myself.

school, marc, wedding

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