I haven't updated my LJ in five or so years, so....
OMG CSI. I am so blah about it, and I used to totes head over heels for that show. I don't care about the commercials, the cold opens, anything anymore. Mr. Meggie has said that it's like I've lost my dog or something. He doesn't really know what to think, and I don't either. So I'm currently looking for another show to be obsessed with, any ideas?
More ramblings ahead, these are somewhat more personal.
I am actually embarrassed at how much I love my husband. I have always held my feelings and emotions close to my chest. I don't tell my friends how in love I am, or how I get butterflies when I see him, or any other assorted girly talk. If I were on Sex and the City, I'd be Miranda or Samantha. Love? Puke :P
But really, I am so surprised at how much I LOVE being around him, smelling him, touching him (not even sexytime touching) just holding his hand, looking at him. Ugh, and it's actually uncomfortable admitting it, even to folks I haven't really met :\ But if I had a perfect man, it would be him. And I'm so happy! He's great! Ugh, I threw up in my mouth a little when I re-read this.