Communities are basically journals that anyone who joins is allowed to post to. They allow anyone who is a member of that community to see your icons (and allows you as a member to see everyone else's icons by clicking on your Friends Page link). For example, the first community I joined was hp_graphics. All you have to do is go to that search box on the top of any LJ page and type in Harry Potter Icons, and then a list of communities will show up, and hp_graphics should be one of the top listed. And of course there are MANY other different communities! Just type in what you're interested in, and you'll probably find a community! The only thing I'll mention is that before joining one, make sure to read that commuinity's User Info, because some have rules that you might need to follow. I hope this isn't too much info, because it looks like a lot, but once you get the hang of joining communities, it's really easy... haha I have to keep a list of the ones I've joined, just so I don't forget! lol, don't worry, if you have any more questions just ask!
I hope this isn't too much info, because it looks like a lot, but once you get the hang of joining communities, it's really easy... haha I have to keep a list of the ones I've joined, just so I don't forget! lol, don't worry, if you have any more questions just ask!
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