Fic: Five Pizzas RJ Never Made

Sep 15, 2008 21:41

Title: Five Pizzas RJ Never Made
Author: wild-force71
Author's Notes: This was a prompt!fic, but I read the prompt wrong... ::Hangs head in shame:: Enjoy!
Rating: PG
Summary: As the title says.
Pairing : No pairings.

Five Pizzas RJ Never Made

1. Pai Zhua masters were vegetarian. It wasn’t a rule, exactly, just…something that seemed to happen. RJ had wondered about it during his training, planning the perfect pizza he’d eat the day he was raised to Master level-pepperoni, extra cheese, the works.

He spent most of the day he was raised to Master level avoiding his father, who was determined to try once more to teach him the ways of the shark. Hiding from one Master without letting the others realise what was going on was exhausting, and it was several days before he remembered the pizza.

And didn’t want it.

Even as the Wolf, RJ hated meat.

2. After the Rangers, and especially after the Wolf Ranger, RJ grew used to running out of JKP at a moment’s notice. He’d been in the habit of leaving the ovens on, warm all day for quicker heating; now he got in the habit of turning them off when they weren’t actually being used. It took much longer to cook anything, but it meant less got burned.

Of course, it also meant he had to remember to turn them on again every time, or the pizzas never cooked and eventually went off.

3. RJ was good at observing people. He always had been. It was easier with the Phai Zhua; animal spirits were drawn to similar personalities, so all tigers were broadly the same, all cheetahs, and so on. Which was probably why he and his father had never gotten on, now that he thought about it.

So he knew Casey would be the leader, and unsure of himself. He knew Theo would be the strategist, and clash. He knew Lily would be the peacemaker, and settle into her new life more easily than either.

It was the things he didn’t know that caught him. Like Casey’s hammock. RJ had never been able to sleep in those. Lily’s dancing was a surprise; rhythm in the Phai Zhua was bent to fighting, not dancing. And Theo…

…wasn’t that fond of pizza.

When Casey or Lily or Fran had a bad day, RJ cooked pizza. When Theo had a bad day, they trained.

4. For three days after Dai Shi had hit him, RJ’s stomach rebelled at the smell of food. His spirit animal’s rumblings weren’t helping, but it was the food that was really upsetting him.

“Hey, RJ?” Casey swung up from the kitchen, leaning over the rail.

“Shush. Meditating.”

“Ok, but we just got a tour bus and Lily and Theo are slammed and Fran was just wondering if you could help her cook for a while?”

RJ cracked open one eye. Casey was covered in flour and had what looked like cheese in his hair.

“Nope.” He closed his eye again. “Gotta meditate.”


“Casey, you don’t want me down there right now. Go…channel your spirit animal.”

Casey didn’t, of course, not until Fran yelled from downstairs. RJ sat, eyes closed, and concentrated on pretending he was all right.

The pain in his shoulder made it more difficult than it should have been.

5. Three weeks before he was made a Master, RJ attempted to reconcile with his father. He planned a meal, home made, and the conversation, during which he would convince his father to not only accept him, but like him.

Master Mao looked sympathetic when he carried the message with Master Finn’s refusal.
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