I know that there would be people who would say “Who are you to try to tell us what to do here in America?” I’ll tell you. I am an Australian. I have a family of brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, grandchildren, nephews and nieces, cousins, second cousins and their offspring and on and on. I have friends, both here and overseas and my friends have relatives. I have a half Japanese cousin or at least his descendants living in America. I have Chinese relatives here in Australia. My relatives include Mormons, Roman Catholic, Methodists and evangelical Christians. There are at least three followers of Wicca and there are agnostics. I have no cares about what skin color they have or what language they speak Whether by blood, marriage, adoption, fostering common law partnering or whatever. If they are friends, it doesn’t matter, it is my family, and I love them all. This chaos in America puts my family in danger because if the United States of America falls, so falls the rest of the world.
When it comes to politics, I am firm believer in rules, principles, protocols and ethics. That said, although for most of my life I was a conservative vote, there came a time maybe twenty or so years ago that I became disconcerted with the right wing of politics. To put it bluntly I did not like the blatant attitude of Australian right-wing politicians that they had almost a divine right to rule. I did not like their ability to lie and mislead the public and to manipulate the media. I swore I would never again vote for the right wing. I’m not saying the left wing pollies are saints but they do seem to try to follow the rules.
Why all this preamble? Well, at the risk of offending some of my American friends, I am appalled at the political manipulations and antics of the Republican Party in the United States of America. It seems to me that they are determined to gain total power over the population, in the name of just one person, whether the public wants it or not. And if that public vote does not give them that power, then they are willing to take it by force, if need be. I have a great concern that if this great nation should be split into a civil war or be distracted from international troubles then the leaders of certain unfriendly countries would be delighted and happy to take advantage of the situation. The people of my country and for that matter the rest of the free world need the United States of America to be more than united in name only.
The USA needs to be united based on those principles that were laid out in your Declaration of Independence and your Constitution. Pandering to the ego of a self-centered , allegedly criminalistic and almost maniacal person and self-interested politicians and corrupt judges won’t do it especially if they have to ride rough shod over the wishes of at least two thirds of the population. Only a nation willing to be united above all the bigotry and hatred, willing to grow, willing to abide not by just the laws but by the ethics and principles of democracy.
I know that there would be people who would say “Who are you to try to tell us what to do here in America?” I’ll tell you. I am an Australian. I have a family of brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, grandchildren, nephews and nieces, cousins, second cousins and their offspring and on and on. I have friends, both here and overseas and my friends have relatives. I have a half Japanese cousin or at least his descendants living in America. I have Chinese relatives here in Australia. My relatives include Mormons, Roman Catholic, Methodists and evangelical Christians. There are at least three followers of Wicca and there are agnostics. I have no cares about what skin colour they have or what language they speak Whether by blood, marriage, adoption, fostering common law partnering or whatever. If they are friends, it doesn’t matter, it is my family, and I love them all. This chaos in America puts my family in danger because if the United States of America falls, so falls the rest of the world.