Okay, for those of you that don't know Otakukin are kind of like Otherkin. Otherkin believe either that A) their souls are not human, instead they are wolf, dragon, gryphon, what have you. Or B) they are human, but they have non-human souls residing within them.
Otakukin are whole different story. Take A and B, but replace the animal souls, with anime characters. Sometimes they're just fictional characters, but the larger majority are indeed anime characters. In fact, among them, there is a huge obsession with Snape from HP, though most tend to believe that they are married to him on the astral plane as referenced at f_w
here and
This person believes that they are Cyclops from X-Men. Just today I reading about a couple who think that they are Neo and Trinity.
And while this is all well and good for a lot of LOLs, I was reading through an LJ comm, and discovered something that made my mind boggle even more. Okay, so these people think that they are Sephiroth from FFVII. I can deal with that. Well, actually I can't, but I can just sit back and laugh. But then they proceed to type this like: O yah, i was Sephiroth in my past life, and i still am now ^_^ A lotta ppl think i was bad and evil, rofl, but ff7 was ttly wrong. But i do like big swords, hee! *hugs the OP*
No exaggeration. That just makes my brain explode. I mean, what? Sephiroth was the big bad evil, he was coldly rational, very smart, and hated all life. So why is this person using emoticons like ^_^ and hugging the OP? I just... cannot compute.
Good gods, I really hope that nobody ever says that they are soulbonded or astrally married to or are House. Because I will LOL and LOL and LOL.