Aug 01, 2006 03:29

i just got back home two ngihts ago.. and i just want to go back.. the past three weeks seemed (like what Lindy said) "like a dream".. and it was a really good one too. The first week went by really slow.. I actually wanted to go home.. and then the second and third week went by like lightning.. imma make a huuuugee list of all the memories cuz they just mean so much to me..

* Just hanging out in my room (where all the food was)
* meeting great friends
* Wawa!!
* talking to Yan every after class
* late night shows on Dan's laptop (COUPLING!, Futurama, Family Guy, South Park, ...)
* weird videos Ko showed me (rejected, beetles, fat-pie..hilarious!)
* going to bed at 2AM earliest
* the workload (2hours of sleep the day before labs were due)
* the chugfest we never had
* Monster, Redbull, Rockstar, Superman
* our cool RTAs (Brian, David, Christian, Mike )
* the two consecutive all-nighters (only our class was cool enough haha)
* frying 3 BS2 stamps and few other boards.. haha
* Moshi Moshi Mushy @ Ocean City, NJ
* Jeanie and her "I'm sorry"s, Peanut Butter Jelly Dance, speaking in Korean
* Ko practically living in my room for 2 weeks?
* the last night before I left when I got really sick and threw up every 20mins.. everyone was worried.. so touched..
* Two birthday celebs: James and Jay
* Aneesh and his cereal&milk, entertaining celphone,
* an hour worth of sleep at the lounge
* other stuff...mhmm
* games against other classes
* funky fieldtrips
* daily routines (going to lunch at Houston, diner at the Commons)
* getting drenched coming from Taco Bell with Ko
* being asian (*the other david* noo shiit)
* Ned and his weird jokes
* Allen and his hot glue
* the bet: if Elizabeth could chug down a gallon of milk in an hour
* the empty feeling you get when you see people moving out of the Quad

damn.. i wana go back
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