A new flu season started, and Tobias Mattsson is trying to get well, by sleeping a lot. He’s got restless dreams of all the new people he cannot meet while being sick.
When he gets better he gets rid of his aggressions, using his new sandbag, which he earned at work. This is a terrific invention for our aggressive Tobias.
When he has aquired the skills needed for the next promotion, he invites Livia for some pleasure.
And Melissa gets a piece of the same treatment. Tobias needs to keep the interest up with all his mistresses of course!
He would also like to extend his array of lovers to five, but so far he’s got “only” three, namely Livia, Melissa and Beatrice.
All the hard work with skills and platinum mood pays off, and Tobias gets promoted to MVP.
Hamre after round 8:
Tobias Mattsson