This is a new lot.
Previously Ingela and Matilda were in Uni and somewhat reluctantly fell in love with each other. Ingela graduated SCL in Drama and Matilda had SCL in Art. Before they left Uni they got engaged on the 1st of September 106.
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Your updats always make me miss playing The Sims 2 and I really must install it again, now when I've upgraded my SSD-disk to double size. It takes 40 minutes to load though, due to all my CC (compared to about 5 for The Sims 3) - and that flashing purple problem that came with the new computer a couple of years ago, really had me on edge while playing. It destroyed a lot of the fun.
Hop you can get your sims2 installation sorted out. Do you blog sims3 stories somewhere?
Sorry, not simsrelated at all and TMI - but that's why I haven't been posting anything. I still have the LJ blog, but I created a dreamwidht account in May due to the shift in values her on LJ. As you've probably noticed, LQBT-questions are really important to me. I really want to see you finish your challenge though, so I will keep on Reading. :)
Looking forward to your next update. :)
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