Bäckby year 97-100 - Sewing Projects

Feb 15, 2014 12:16

Previously at Bäckby, Sebastian and Rut moved in and both reached their LTW's. They played together and decorated their house from scratch.

Bäckby year 97-100, Friday to Monday
Sebastian Montell, 58, Romance, 2nd LTW Woohoo 20 sims
Rut Mattsson, 37, Fortune, 2nd LTW Business Tycoon

Sebastian has enough life aspiration to acquire a secondary aspiration of Pleasure.

Rut comes home promoted to Junior Executive, and Sebastian has invited over his brother Martin and his family.

Rut’s biggest hobby is to sew, and she does that all her free time

Sebastian’s biggest hobby is people, and he invites some friends for afternoon coffee, or “fika” (fee-kah) as it is called in Sweden.

Rut is promoted again to Executive. The couple has way too many friends, they don’t have time to keep up with them

They are often busy swooning over each other.

In this house we combine the biggest families in Mattsmyra, which is computer breaking. Sebastian is from the Montell clan, which is actually starting to shrink, since the old generation 2 siblings has started to die.

Rut is part of the Burlin family and has 8 brothers, 2 sisters and a niece.

Family Sunday! But we actually forgot to invite Sebastian’s son Christoffer and his family

Just to feed the big family takes two!

Rut still takes some time to sew, and gets a silver badge.

That makes her able to sew herself and Sebastian some new clothes, which they really need, because it’s autumn now.

Looking good!

And we finish this update with yet another promotion - Rut becomes a Senior Manager.

Bäckby after round 26:
Sebastian Montell
Rut Mattsson



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