Previously at Öljung, Simon worked in the garden because there was no one else. A workmate was scared to death in the garage. Cecilia moved back after Uni and Simon turned elder.
Öljung year 97-100, Saturday to Tuesday
Simon Bardh, 54, Knowledge/Popularity, 3rd LTW Prestidigitator
Cecilia Lind, 24, Fortune, LTW Hall of Famer
When Frida Benett in uni asked Simon for a date, he suddenly realized what he really wanted - to get married to his young girlfriend Maud Torell. So, first thing we do at his lot is to invite her over for a date.
Family girl Maud doesn’t take long before she wants to get married to Simon, too.
Losing no more time, Simon asks Maud to marry him, and of course she says yes.
The engagement date is the 15th of August ’97. A wedding is planned immediately
Simon doesn’t have a big fmily, but his two brothers are invited to the wedding, as is Cecilia’s mother Annika, his ex. Some good friends with families are invited too
Everybody is very happy, even though Noel still have marks that shows that he went to Martin Montell’s bad stylist.
Happiest of all are the newlyweds. Maud moves in with 16.000§. Not that it’s needed, but anyway. 1p!
Maud is very angry with her new brother-in-law since the days at Österås. She is also an even-minded Aquarius and has an LTW to celebrate Golden Anniversary. Well, we’ll see if Simon lives that long. She works in the Culinary career as a Dishwasher.
Cecilia never found anyone to settle down with, even though she dated Oliver Sandvall in high school. Now she browses the friends of her father and finds David Ottomas to be hot. Sorry - he’s married!
Instead she takes the opportunity chat with her mother Annika. Then it’s time for a scandal again…
Annika gives Simon’s young halfbrother Jörgen his first kiss! She has now conquered all generations of the Bardh family!
Off for honeymoon!
When all goes back to normal, Cecilia tries to find a job in athletics, but there are no openings
Family Sunday is a small affair, as we saw already at the wedding
Maud gets promoted to Waitress
And Cecilia gets a plaque in Arts&Crafts. Family Sunday is eventless
And the rest of the round is also eventless. Cecilia does find her dream job though, as a Superstar.
And Maud, whose preferred hobby is Nature works in the garden in her PJs and gets a bronze badge.
Öljung after round 26:
Simon Bardh Maud (Torell) Bardh Cecilia Lind