Previously at Lottefors, Carita chose a secondary aspiration of Grilled Cheese and Marcus Pleasure. Charlie was born and grew up to toddler and Axel grew up to child. Carita filled her aspiration panel and the boys played with each other. Marcus reached his LTW by becoming Head of the SCIA.
Lottefors year 97-100, Saturday to Tuesday
Simon Montell, 77, Knowledge/Family, 2nd LTW Media Magnate
Carita Montell, 76, Family/Grilled Cheese, LTW Marry off 6 children
Marcus Montell, 38, Knowledge/Pleasure, 2nd LTW Game designer
Elisabet Montell, 38, Family/Knowledge, 6 grandchildren
Axel Montell, 7
Charlie Montell, 3
Jiingii, the cross-breed
Simon is completely senile these days and wishes for a baby of his own at age 77. Family secondary...
His son Marcus starts to be a fulfilled sim and fills his aspiration panel. 3p!
Saturday is spent at the park. Marcus and Axel are bonding
Marcus also takes the opportunity to meet his cousin Siri and his cousin Pontus - two of the 14 they are in total!
The Montell cousins, who are now all adults in different stages
Then they go fishing
At home, Farmor Carita bonds with Charlie
Axel plays with the ancient dog Jiingi and gives her commands
Elisabet is the oldest daughter of Leif Hartwig and the late Maja (Benett). She’s got one brother, Gustav, with the same parents, one half sister, Åsa, and one adopted brother, Max, who is biologically Åsas’s cousin.
Max has two grown-up daughters, while Åsa has teenage daughter Frida and Gustav has daughter Birgit.
Marcus’s family is more traditional, except that his sister My is gay, but still has daughter Eva with her wife Louise.
All in all, Marcus is the only one who produced boys in this generation.
Family Sunday! And we realize 1) that we should have invited Leif and his new wife Anita, and 2) all Elisabet’s sisters-in-law are visibly pregnant. Lena, My and Sara are due this round. She really wishes she would be pregnant too. Her and Marcus tries and tries, but no result so far.
Charlie got a body point from singing a nursery rhyme. There must be a lot of movements in that rhyme!
Ladies’ poker!
Frida hangs out with My, proboably to get some romantic advice
The young cousins Axel and Birgit have deep discussion, as only 8 year-olds can
Lena, Birgit’s mother, seems to be ready for her baby, taking every opportunity to cuddle Charlie
As it happens, Charlie’s cuddly days are over, since he has his birthday in combination with Family Sunday
He gets a BIG piece of cake!
And he gets glasses, which really makes him Daddy's boy. They look very much alike, even though Charlie has a lighter colouring
Louise gets hit by lightning by the time it’s time to leave
Since Marcus reached the top of SCIA, he has been looking for a job in gaming, but no such luck. But his uniform looks good!
Axel does well in school
And Charlie learns to keep up
Marcus, the Knowledge sim works on his IW and maxes Cooking and Logic, with the help of his father Simon
Dinner and dessert are served
And we have a nice family dinner, with only Carita missing at the table. That is very typical for my own family - when we meet for dinner, my mother does all sorts of things before sitting down, resulting in that everybody else is finished by the time she arrives.
After dinner, or the next day, Carita yells at her adult son for breaking the computer
He’s very ashamed of himself
Jonathan Johansson followed Axel home from school, but stayed too long at the bubble blower, so had to be picked up by his aunt once removed or what it could be called. Caroline is Jonathan’s mother’s cousin.
And we end this update with proof that Elisabet and Marcus still try to get pregnant. A try that might or might not have been successful.
Lottefors after round 26:
Simon Montell Carita Montell Marcus Montell Elisabet Montell Axel Montell Charlie MontellJingii, the cross-breed