Previously at Hamre, Christoffer grew up to child and played ball in the living room with the boys of the neighbourhood. Tobias was haunting the house. Sebastian and Lotta were working opposite schedules, but still managed to woohoo until she got pregnant.
Lotta is visibly pregnant from risky woohoo and eats all the time.
Christoffer will not be an only child for much longer, as it seems.
After her lonely unch, Lotta goes upstairs to play with her train set a while. Tinkering is her preferred hobby. Unfortunately the set catches on fire! (Didn’t even know that was possible!)
She catches on fire herself and struggles to get to the phone to call the fire brigade…
Sadly enough, she doesn’t make it, and an unwelcome guest appears. And neither Sebastian nor Christoffer are at home yet...
Despite her being in platinum mood, she doesn’t get a platinum urn, confirming the notion that only a natural death in old age gives a platinum urn. Now - is it the platinum stone itself, or the sim dying in platinum mood that renders the player a point? According to my interpretation it's the platinum stone that counts, unfortunately.
The small business that Lotta inherited from her uncle Tobias is now passed on to the single father Sebastian, and Christoffer is left motherless. This round at Hamre really took another turn than expected!
Charlotte Montell, born Hartwig, dies in a freak fire accident at an age of 42. Left behind are her husband Sebastian Montell, 36 and their son Christoffer, 8.
Closest relatives are Charlotte’s brother Leif Hartwig, 50 with wife Maja and children Elisabet and Gustav.
Sebastian and Christoffer arrives home with friends that afternoon, unaware of the tragedy that just struck the family. Sebastian is promoted to Starter.
Later, the realisation is getting itself known. Christoffer cannot stop thinking about his mother.
To comfort both himself and Christoffer in this moment of dispair, Sebastian adopts a male puppy named Macke. He feels the dog will be a distraction for them both.
And from that moment on, Christoffer and Macke are inseparable. Christoffer is spending many hours teaching Macke everything. Now when he’s small, where to sleep and what to eat, later he will teach him tricks too!
Sebastian and Christoffer spend a lot of time with Lotta’s brother Leif and his family, and they all find consolation in each other.
The day when Christoffer is going to be a teen, Sebastian gets promoted to Allstar and brings Max Benett with him home. For the first time since Lotta’s tragic death he has started thinking about dating again. However, he’s still wearing his wedding ring.
Friends and relatives gather around the cake when Christoffer makes his wish.
And with the influence under which he grew up, there’s no surprise he grows up with a Romance aspiration. He likes unemployed girls with make-up, but dislikes glasses.
The rest of the party Christoffer spends with Lena Berg, the girl next door, who is three bolts hot! She´s three years older than him and the general idea is that she is for his second cousin Love, but we’ll see what we can do. Lena and Christoffer are both romancers and we don’t know yet where Love will end up (he’ll grow up as soon as we come to his lot).
Love’s mother Emilia is cousins with Christoffer’s late mother Lotta.
Christoffer has two cousins on his mother’s side - Elisabet and Gustav Hartwig
… and 13 (!) on his father’s side! The Montell clan is taking over this neighbourhood!
The party is a great success, even though Christoffer is not so sure about the wisdom of his father and aunt playing with the trainset that killed his mother. However, there is a fire alarm installed in the room nowadays.
By bedtime, Christoffer decided his LTW is to become a Hall of Famer. That should be pretty easy, considering his OTH is Fitness.
He also makes an effort to get his own unique look. The beard is actually a great help to conceal his pointy chin, and the hair looks suitably wild for a Romancer
With his fitness hobby and active personality, Christoffer gains body points incredably fast. It’s a pleasure to see!
From 0 points to 10 in one afternoon! That’s my boy! I actually remember his mother doing the same thing when she was a teen. It must run in the family.
And there the time is up for Hamre this time. The lot that ended up with two inhabitants instead of four after this round. Fate works in mysterious ways!
Hamre after round 21:
Sebastian Montell Christoffer MontellMacke, the puppy