#274- What question do you most dread?

Mar 20, 2009 01:46

What question do you most dread?

Mat picked up his mobile and looked at it again, 1:00 AM flashing at him brightly as he looked over and glanced at the empty bed. He’d made a report about drugs in the dorm to the campus police…and now his stomach was knotted and twisting. Bob was due back at any time, and the police were sure to show up at some point too.

He ran a hand through his hair as he set the phone down again and licked his lips. He was nervous, and with good reason he thought. If Bob wasn’t there…Mathis imagined one of two things happening: Mathis would take the fall for the drugs, or Bob would do something stupid. Hell there was a chance both of those things would happen anyway, or that both of them would take the fall. Ug. Maybe this was why you shouldn’t have roommates.

Mathis looked up, startled as the door flew up suddenly, Bob all but running into the room with a stumbling muttering to his voice.

“Man, man we gotta dump my stash, man….” He wasn’t really talking to Mathis, but he was trashing their room well enough as he hunted out whatever he was looking for.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

“The cops are here, man. Man they are search rooms. Shit…shit I can’t get caught with this stuff. They’ll kick me out.”

“Uh….” He suddenly felt a bit of shame as he looked down at his desk, ignoring the loud rattle as bottles were tossed into the metal trashcan. “Don’t you think they’ll find it in the trash?”

“I’m gonna dump it in the shoot.”

Mathis gave Bob a skeptical look, standing. He moved across the room carefully, opening the door to peek out into the hall curiously. To his surprise their RA was already in the hall, Colin standing there talking to him only to glance down at Mathis skeptically.

“I do not see any police,” Mathis commented blandly as he looked back into the room; the distant sound of the lifts opening catching his attention briefly. “Nevermind…”

“Fuck! Dude, what am I going to do! I…I can’t get caught with this shit!”

“Maybe you shouldn’t have it…”

“This is enough to get me busted for intent to sell…”

Mathis could only look at Bob blankly for a moment, frowning as he glanced back down the hall and watched the cops line up. Figures they’d take their time.

“Why aren’t you freaking out, man!” Bob yelled at him suddenly, “this is your god damn room too! You’re just in as much shit as I am if they find it!”

“They aren’t my drugs,” Mathis snipped, sighing before he looked back into the hall. “They can probably hear you yelling, you know?”

“Shut the fuck up, ass hole.”


Bob pushed him out of the way so suddenly that Mathis was rammed into the door hand of Bob’s closest painfully. Muttering a soft ‘ow’, he frowned as he moved back to his desk with a soft scowl directed at Bob. “Why aren’t they checking the other rooms,” he asked suddenly. “They’re pointing down here, what the fuck. What the fuck! Man! I…I can’t…I can’t get caught.”

The door slammed shut, Mathis jumping a little as he turned to look at Bob. “What the hell are you doing now?” He asked suddenly, watching as Bob pulled his chair out and slammed it until it was jammed firmly in the door way. And then, as if by magic, Bob pulled out a hand gun that had Mathis standing up like he’d been slapped.

“Bob!” He shouted, feeling as if maybe this hadn’t been a great idea in the end. But for the most part Bob ignored him as he paced back and forth, ignoring the first firm knocks on their door.

“NYPD,” he a call came through the door, “open up.”

“No ones home!” Bob called back, laughing desperately before he looked back at Mathis pleadingly, “Mat…Mat you have to help me.”

“You….should put the gun down,” Mathis said slowly, holding out a hand. The police were knocking again, calling through the door with warnings that they’d just open the door. “Bob…Some is going to get hurt…”

“Leave us alone! God damnit!” He aimed the gun at the door, taking heavy breaths as he looked back at Mathis and grinned lopsidedly, “we’ll go down in a fight! Like…like Bonnie and Clyde.”

“….What?” Mathis gaped at Bob, stunned and disbelieving. What the hell was he on? “No! I’m not going down like anyon-“ Mathis never got the chance to finish his thought before the guns went off, everyone firing at once. He remembered thinking, for a moment as a bullet bit into his arm…this was all wrong.

It wasn’t supposed to happen this way.

Mathis set up suddenly in his bed, blinking rapidly as his heart hammered in his chest. It took him a moment to realize that was knocking on his door, and even as he started to get up he glanced over to see a sleeping Bob completely passed out. The alarm clock read 2 am.

“So surreal,” he muttered as he moved to the door and opened it slowly.

“Hey Mathis, the campus police is doing room inspections. We need you to let us in…” Mathis blinked and nodded, still mulling over his dream too much to think about what was about to happen in his room.

“What the fuck,” Bob muttered grumpily as the jabbed him awake and escorted them both out of the room in nothing more than boxers. “What’s going on…?”

“Room inspections…” Mathis said with a yawn, glancing over to see a paling Bob. “What?”

“….I think I’m going to be arrested.”

No, really? Mathis wanted to say as he stared at Bob, before turning to look at the cops as they came back out of the room.

"So, boys...you want to tell us who these belong to?" When they didn't answer, Mathis only looking at Bob expectantly, the cops sighed. "Its too early for this..."

“You both need to turn around,” he said gravely, “Mathis Richter, Robert Goodson, I am placing you both under arrest for possession of illegal, controlled substances. You have the right….”

Mathis groaned inwardly as he turned around, his arms wrenched around behind him. Somewhere in there, though, he thought he heard Bob let out a pitiful groan and murmur about being fucked…


Mathis Richter

who: bob, where: nyu, where: new york, ic, prompt, school stuff, where: dorm, rp

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