Will Jabber Part 3

Sep 23, 2010 14:57

This story will make NO sense unless you read from the beginning.
Just to let you know of that.
Read from the beginning, read the 2nd part, and THEN read this.
It's called. Counting.(:

So yesterday, I was pretty bummed out because that's the day I pretty much figured out everything about his feelings.
Well, sort of.
So I told my friend Faith about this....

During Driver's Ed.

And she said:

Faith: How about this, I talk to Sam about this and--

(Note: Sam is the guy that I USED to like. I thought he was pretty cute, but then I found out he's a total JERKFACE [did I say this already?] and he's ABSOLUTELY conceited. I also heard he's REALLY annoying [just like the girl that Will likes! UGHH.] And he said that I was too "FOB". THE FUDGE?! So I just said, 'You know what, it ain't worth it' and moved on. Also, me liking Sam happened WAYYY before I started liking Will, but I can NEVER forgive him.)

Me: What?! Why him?! You know he hates me!
Faith: Why would he HATE you? Besides, he's really good friends with Will!
Me: How do you know this?!
Faith: Because.... he asked Will for my number so he can ask me out. 
Me: .... Well, but still.... can you REALLY trust low-witted Sam?
Faith: True. Very true. 
Me: See?! Don't do this!
Faith: Just let me handle it! I know my schemes are a bit.... off, but they always work!
Me: WHATEVER. I'm putting this in your hands (nervous)

Nahh. I trust Faith. 
But she does has some pretty nutsy schemes. 

She said she hasn't done anything yet...

Faith: I barely had enough time to BREATHE yesterday, okay?!

So... (sigh) 
Another procrastinated event.

But seriously. 
I even saw Will's Facebook status that read:

Will [LAST NAME]  wants her number

How frustrating.
He wants a girl's number.
And she's so obnoxious too!!

Do you know what I caught her doing today?
Playing with a paper ball.

They didn't have the common decency to just GET up, walk 5 feet (they sit RIGHT next to the trash cans) and throw it away.
Instead, they had to try to THROW it.
Acting like they had NO idea how the EFF to throw a frickin PAPER BALL, they kept missing and laughing at each other.

Okay so....
He doesn't like a girl like ME, who has never gotten BELOW a 95 average in Math OVERALL, but wants to choose a Softball (she sucks by the way. She can't even THROW. What makes you think she can HIT or CATCH?!) dim-witted cheerleader who HAS A BOYFRIEND and doesn't even have ANY CLASSES WITH HIM?!

Okay, dear.
Lemme ask you this.


Side note: Okay, so like, I totally just raped the color bar.
Sorry. But I guess you could assume that it emphasizes how crazy my life is going so far.
It's nuts.
You wouldn't want to be in the position I am in.
Because it SUCKS.
I mean, why would you? 
Why would you want to deal with the frustration and the stress that I'm going through? 
Why would you WANT that? 
I guess it's entertaining, but COME ON.
This is the most STUPIDEST memory I've EVER had.
Why in the boy's RIGHT mind ever choose a TAKEN  girl over a single one who's standing RIGHT THE FRICKIN FRONT OF HIM?!?!?!?!

God that boy needs a head check.

bored, will, school, jungee, bleh, part, e, drama, e., 3, asdjkl;, jungee_sue, jabber, jung, sue, blah, jung e. sue

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