School! Moment 3

Sep 17, 2010 15:17

Today was an AMAZING day.
I loved it(:

The morning was memorable(:
This morning was a TOTAL wake up call when my friend had to run for the bus, but she was holding like, 29872984 textbooks so she dropped them all.
Her so-called "Best Friend" (we'll call her Mecca; really annoying. I'll explain later), was all like, "Oooh, I WOULD help her, but I can't"
So I went all like, SUPERMAN OH-HOOOO and went to help her gather her books (YOOOOOO~!!)
Then we both ran together to the bus. (Awww, great ending :D)

But then my legs fell asleep. -_______-"

So like, the guy I like in my Algebra/Civics class didn't talk to me (of course)....

But I still had an AWESOME time.

Latin, I ate 6 Oreos (yummm :D)
But we conjugated and declined Latin words (.... whoop)
But I got a 100 on my vocab quiz, AGAIN.

And then 3rd period was the FUNNEST.
I got to brush this guy's hair, and touch Matt's hair. AGAIN.
His hair so soft. > w <♥

And lunch was pretty awesome too(:
But then we took the test....
I don't think I did good on it. D:

But it doesn't mattuhh!! > <
I had fun there!!
Especially with Matt, Michelle, Jeremiah, and... the other girl...

Darn. I never got her name.

And here I am. 4th period.
My fingers are NUMBBBBBB.
She made us type 7 pages of words.

This lady's mad. Insane to the head.
But she complimented me on my fast typing (not braggin' or nothin'...) so it's all good :D

But it turns out, Josh is sick. D:
He woke up with chest/head pain, fever, and coughing.

He recently got better from an ER situation a few weeks back....
Now he's sick again?!
This really isn't a good sign....

Hmmmft. Sad.

And the worst part is, I'm stuck in school and I can't even help him.
Sure he can be a butt sometimes, but you gotta admit, you'd be worried too.

... Maybe it's Karma.
He whined at me and got an attitude because I said he couldn't go outside with his friends because of insubordination (hahaaa. I just wanted to use that word for once...)
But yeahh... so... he got all fussy and attitude-like and.... yeah...

Well, he should have just accepted it!! > x <
Ain't my blame!! D:

Karma is real, people.

No seriously.

3, random, asdfjkl;, jungee_sue, teenage, moment, jung e. sue, school!

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