Oh, Thoughtful Me...11

Nov 08, 2010 14:02

Well.... I added Chris on Facebook and like....
What I discovered wasn't the BEST thing in the world.
Turns out, he still goes out with his girlfriend!
Who knew?!
I could have SWORN they broke up.... :\

And also, it turns out, he's frickin CONCEITED.
He thinks he's just the prettiest boy out there.
And his girlfriend thinks that way about herself too.

Well, don't they just make the ultimate couple... > >

They are also the kind of people who would go on their FB and like, post pictures of them making out and crap.
If I knew this, I would have never even CONSIDERED Chris.

... but he's still pretty.


It turns out Matt read one of my entries.
And it wasn't a good one...

First of all, I was high (not literally, genius).
I didn't mean HALF of the stuff I say on this thing.

Second of all, I felt AWFUL.

And also, it turns out I got a badly infected piercing.
Yuck... > <"
and so like, I got checked out yesterday.
To go to the hospital.

[Apparently, there's a difference between "going to the doctor's" and "going to the hospital"....
If you say that you "went to the hospital", it makes people think that there's seriously something wrong with you.
"Going to the doctor's" is just "hello, goodbye" type deal.
What boloney...]

Anyways, and they gave me three prescriptions.
One for my ear. One for the rash BECAUSE of my ear. And one because of my eye.

Now, why would I get meds for my eye?

Because apparently, I had pink eye.
Who, in the world. goes to school. with pink eye???
Except me. I had to.
And I thought it would fade away!! KDJF. Fail.

So yup.
They suck.

And I got my blood test too.
If you know me, I have a BADDD fear of needles.
Once I get a shot, I get all dizzy and stuff.

Well guess what?

This time, when I got my blood test, I didn't feel dizzy!!
Thank you Matt!! :DD (not 3rd period Matt. Mom's Matt :D)
He engaged in conversation with me while I was getting the shot.
Because he knew how scared I got.

After that, we went to Fazoli's to get food.
It was really yummy, and it was my first time eating there.
So it was really cool.
I totally ate with a smile on my face(:

(maybe that made me look a little crazy... -_____-)


Here's another weird thing....

I don't know if this is just in my head but...
Will looked at me 2x more than he usually does.

Like, in 3rd period, I was waiting at the door for my friend. 
And Will walked by. 
Before, usually, he would just walk by without even looking at me.
Today, he walked by, looked at me, and even SMILED at me.

The fudge??

I don't know what that's supposed to mean.
IF it means anything. 
Maybe it's just me overreacting to stuff or... something.

I remember even yesterday night, I sang "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift. 
Lol. On Karaoke.
and the words were 100% accurate this time!!!

Except... I don't think Will has a girlfriend. 
At least I hope not... D:

If he does, then that sucks... :\

I doubt it though. 
If he had a girlfriend, he'd be bragging about it all over the place.

After all, he's NEVER had a girlfriend in his life. 
Maybe he's not allowed to date. 
That SUCKS. 
Hmmft. Well, not like I had any chances anyway....

Besides, I bet he still likes AK.
He says he "doesn't know yet" but I don't know.
It seems he's still interested.

Even though she's a complete butthead.

Why do guys nowadays only like girls who are just pretty faces?

Like, just last night, I took one of those friendship quizzes and it asked what was my first impression on this girl on my friend's list...
And I said "She's gorgeous and I'm so jealous of her!"

Hmmm. Guess what she said?

"Your beautiful personality overshines any physical beauty".

........... WHAT THE FUDGE. 
Okay. Thank you for that compliment, REALLY!!

but.... that doesn't help my self esteem much, if at all. 
Because like, she doesn't think I'm pretty!!!

At least, that's the message I got from her.
She says I'm kind? Yes.
But she said NOTHING about MY physical appearance.
I tell her she's gorgeous, and yet she doesn't say it back.


So.... that makes me feel cruddy.
But then again, I know I'm not the best looking girl out there.

There are 93847298347 girls out there in the world. PRETTIER than me.
Surgery or no surgery.
Makeup or no makeup.

(notice how I mentioned surgery and makeup; because half the girls I know are only as pretty as they are because of the works of one or the other.... or both... o_______o)
See? I wear no makeup. 
I had no surgery.
Nothing. All I have is a foaming cleanser and lotion. 
That's it.
No foundation, no eyeliner, no mascara, no circle lenses.

Don't you wanna give me kudos for that?!
I'm a natural-face.

I don't have to worry about a hot guy walking into my room out of nowhere and seeing my "makeup-less" face and having to cover my face up and scream at him to leave.

So. I guess I'll give myself credit for that.
Living my whole life without dependence on FAKENESS is good(:

but then again, my mom wears makeup sometimes and she's not fake. 
So, don't take it all offensive.
It's only to the people who wear makeup, think they're hot and crap, and thinks they have the guys wrapped around their finger...


me, missy, needles, makeup, of, will, surgery, jungee, fear, part, thoughtful, e, e., natural, fazoli's, piercing, chris, jungee_sue, matt, infected, oh, sue, jung, 11, fazolis, jung e. sue, beauty

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