20 Questions

Oct 12, 2010 15:21

1_ What's your name?
Jung E. Sue

2_What are you doing right now?
Typing. Waiting to go to my locker.

3_When you look up, who is the first person/thing you see?
...... a plant.

4_Where are you at right now? (be specific)
On the chair with my feet on the ground surrounded my students of the same class in a dominant territory called SCHOOL.
[specific enough?!]

5_Why are you there? (the place you answered in #4)
Because I have to.

6_How many people are in the place you're at? (#4)
Specifically, 19. Including me, 20.

7_How much percentage of the people in your area do you like?

8_How much percentage of the people in your area do you NOT like?

9_How are you feeling right now?
Tired, sleepy, impatient.

10_Is there someone special in your mind right now?
Yes, but not in a good way.

11_Who was the last person you talked to face to face?
Mrs. W; my last year homeroom teacher(: It's so good to see her again!

12_How does that special person of yours make you feel?
................ frustrated. confused.

13_What is your strongest subject?
Well, it was math. It stil IS math, but it's slowly starting to be replaced BY LUNCH.

14_Who was your last crush? Why did you like him/her?
His initals were JLL. The reason I liked him at some point was.... idkk why I did.
But I know I liked Will because he [seemed] smart, funny, actually not that bad looking, and he's big.
LOL. Him being big isn't a bad thing!! I like big guys for some reason.
Like, my ideal type is Yoo Jae Suk (because he has AMAZING manners, funny, and I heard he treats his wife VERY well, along with his child[ren?]), but I think Jung Hyung Don isn't that bad looking either (even though he's teased all the time being 'fat'. But he has a strong heart and mind and AMAZING strength- inside or out.)
Wow this answer is long.

15_Did you see your baby pictures? What were they like?
I was so cute!!! > w <♥
What happened to me? D:

16_Who is your best friend?
I don't have a best friend.
I thought I had many of them, but I mean a lot less to them than I thought.

17_How much is your BMI?
.... what kind of question is this? LOL.
But ummm, my BMI, unfortunately, is JUST above the anorexic line.
Even though I eat like a PIG. D:

18_What is your shoe size?
5 1/2-6 (yes. I'm small)

19_What are your body measurements?
32-24-31 (whoa. Can't believe I remembered that...)

20_Any final comments you wanna say?

e., quiz, bored, questions, big, survey, jungee_sue, 20, jungee, e, time, jung, sue, jung e. sue, majorly

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