Ive been unemployed for six months (after beginning school again). Left that job as a waiter at Marie Callender's (new management/starting school) after a two year relationship with them. I miss them...but everyone left and the new management team is not my cup of tea (trust me, they were baaaaad).
So starting a week ago, I began searching for a new location of employment on restaurant row in monrovia. Today I had my third interview for waiter position at the Olive Garden and got a phone call just now saying I got the job. I initially applied "open",because I figured even if I got a position as host or cashier, Id get my foot in the door. Luckily, the manager likes that I have two years experience as a waiter already and wants me as a waiter ASAP. WOOO HOO. im so happy. Bills to pay, people I owe, Money to have! Maaan...this is a load off my back. Now I can get my butt off the computer and begin to have a life outside of school again. Wish me luck!
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