I'm a posting fool lately! But, saavy shoppers, I have a question. Claire Helen is insistent on wearing basically only dresses lately. By lately I mean for the last 12 months, so at some point I should probably stop buying so many hopeful pairs of shorts. I'm pretty anti dress, but am willing to compromise on corduroy jumpers. At least they keep her warm. Where can I find some plain not pink or purple ones? I thought for sure LL Bean would have my back, but they have forsaken me for "sun washed lavender and rose." Poppycock. I'm willing to spend a bit more than usual since I know she'll wear them every day.
For your patience, some pictures!
He's so muscley! And can you believe he takes steps by himself? Little dude really wants to be two. And that diaper is huge! And also stinky because I am not doing this whole cloth diaper thing right. Harumph.
CH pretending to get pushed in her doll stroller by her imaginary friend "Charlotte," who lives in a poster we have, and waits for babies all day. Frankly, she sounds a lot like my internet friends.
Simon in the car getting ready to hike at Rainier.
CH on the trail.
Me with shorter hair, but in pigtails and not looking at the camera. Oh well.