The short: Friday night (April 28), my hubby Scott took me to the Kaiser emergency room, where I was admitted with a high heart rate (about 190 beats per minute) and had premature ventricular contractions. I just got out this afternoon (Wednesday, May 3); feeling much better now, mostly back to normal.
The long and tedious details here: )
I can empathize about being awake and experienceing pain during surgery. When I was 5, I cut my lip open and when it got stitched back together I had some scar tissue. Before I could get braces, I had to have this scar tissue lump from my lip removed. So I got 15 mintues of anethesia for a 30 minute proceedure. Yeah, I felt the snip, snip, snip of the instruments cutting that bit of scar tissue out, along with a little electrical shock to cauterize blood vessels and then stitched up. Tell a 12 year old who is experiecning mind-numbing pain not to cry, cause it pushses her blood pressure higher and makes her bleed more. Yeah. Right. I truly empathize, as the light saber through the heart sounds equally or more excrutiating.
When I ordered the flowers, they said no flowers in ICU, but they will make sure you get them once you're out of ICU. That's great you were able to enjoy them in the ICU at least, since that's where you spent most of you time. I thought about visiting you yesterday, knowing you'd get moved out of ICU, but I thought you probably wanted to rest.
Ginny passed word onto me, so we played telephone via YIM and email to spread the word. So glad you're home and better dear. I think I'll pass on the helping out with laundry, as I'm enough behind on that myself. I can send more chocolate instead.
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