I finished the first draft of my SS/HG Exchange fic, and my brilliant beta just read the whole thing. She likes it! Yay!!! Now to fix commas and make it longer....
In other news, I got a contracting gig last month as webmaster for a Silicon Valley startup. Things are tapering off quite a bit now, but the first two weeks were a madhouse. The engineers were preparing to release the beta version, and I was changing the entire website, plus becoming "acquainted" with the graphics design firm who are rather possessive of their website design. The design firm howled when I used the high-resolution CMYK version of the new logo instead of the high-res RGB version (which they hadn't sent me) because CMYK is used for ink, and RGB is used for web, and thus the shade of CMYK green looked wrong on the screen. But the engineers wouldn't let me upload the right version of the logo because they were afraid to do ANYTHING that might break the website and ruin the product rollout.
So, after the beta rollout at a major tradeshow, the president had a bash at the office - food, chocolate, drinks, spouses, kids, dog. He surprised all of us by presenting us with gift vouchers. I got a voucher for a Barnes & Noble gift certificate because he knows I read books. I thought it was very nice (I had expected that only employees would get gifts, not an hourly contractor who had been there almost three weeks). Then I looked at the amount on the certificate. WOW! It had another zero on the end!
The office manager is in charge of exchanging our vouchers for the real thing, so I asked her to change mine to Amazon.com instead of Barnes & Noble. I've got a long wishlist at Amazon - Jane Austen reference books and movies, plus other DVD's and CD's. Squeee!!