(Don't faint.... I'm posting twice in the same week. I must be feeling chatty while awaiting the last Potter book.)
A fellow member of my Jane Austen group pointed out
this article from the Daily Mail. (Longer Guardian article
here.)The director of the Jane Austen Festival sent the first three chapters of "Pride and Prejudice" (with character names and title changed) to eighteen literary agents and publishers.
All but one rejected it or refused to reply.
The seventeen foolish ones include: the literary agency Christopher Little, which represents JK Rowling; Bloomsbury, Random House, Harper Collins, Hodder & Stoughton, and Penguin (which currently publishes P&P). Oh, and Harlequin Mills & Boon rejected it, but I would have expected that.
Only an assistant editor at Jonathan Cape recognized that it was the most famous work by Jane Austen, one of the most influential novelists in English literature.
Gives one confidence in trying to find a publisher for one's work. [end sarcasm]
I think I need more chocolate.