(no subject)

Apr 01, 2008 21:58

[OOC: Right.

From April 5th I'll be away until... *Goes to check* April 12th, I'll have no internet until this time.

So unfortunatly Jet and Juni will be off for about a week or so...

Juni's excuse is that she was checking out all of Chicago's offerings.

I'll still be open for starting posts and making replies to posts until April 3rd but beyond that I won't be making entries or replying to posts until the 12th...

I'll still be replying to active threads that were started before April 3rd on April 4th but I'd prefer that tehy'd be all finisehd with by April 5th or else you're going to have a long wait...

Just a heads up! thanks for reading! ^^]

warning, ooc

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