S-so, I thought that maybe because most of you haven't seen the unicorn yet, I should tell everyone about him..
[ Nanako's looking rather meek today because what is adressing the general population of the village.. She does look enthusiastic about talking about the unicorn. ]
Um, I've seen him leaving videos on the communicator a few times, even though I'm not sure how he records them since he doesn't have hands. O-oh, maybe that means he's a magical unicorn! He's probably magical already though, since he can sparkle and sometimes when he jumps little rainbows appear everywhere.
Maybe it's some sort of magical sparkle rainbow unicorn. ... I wonder if there are different kinds of unicorns in the first place?
O-oh, I coloured a drawing of him so all of you can see what exactly he looks like too!
[ With that there's this image viewable next to the video feed too. ]
He's usually walking around in a field with flowers, although I don't know if it's anywhere near here.. And one time he randomly had a bucket! I'm not sure where he got it from, but it's sort of special, right? He can also do this really cool trick where he jumps through a lasso!
I-I think that's about it.. Does anyone have questions?