Oct 03, 2012 00:02
So I barely remembered that this was a thing until my roommate pointed it out to me. And I realized that it's been, like, five months since I've written anything. And then a few things occurred to me, again, thanks to my roommate (she's kind of great that way):
1. So what if I don't update? It's not that big of a deal.
2. I usually use this particular journal to rant angrily or vent frustrations. So the less I update it, the fewer bad things must be going on.
3. Not updating means I have a life. Or, at least, I'm doing other things that are fabulously enjoyable. I'm no longer bound to the internet, like a certain other site did to me.
Either way, I figure I'm going to try to post here...I don't know. Once a month maybe? It's nice to have something to come back and look at and see how I was doing or what I was thinking. I guess that's why people keep journals, huh?
For me, right now, my life is school, work, and video games. Pretty awesome, all told. Admittedly, I'm not getting as many shifts as I'd like anymore, so funds are running a little low, but that just means buying less fandom stuff. I CAN DO IT! I SWEAR I CAN! And to distract myself, I can just keep playing Tales of Vesperia, Batman: Arkham City, and Ninja Gaiden II.
So there you have it! In theory, I'm also gonna try to do my fanfic writing again. I REALLY WANNA WRITE!