Don't read if not interested in senseless stuff |D
I'm addicted. Damn addicted
If I'm a lucky girl, I will get this on sunday:
Harrrrr~ *___* May I present: Elisabeth Soragumi 1998, with Zunko as Tod, O-Hana as Elisabeth and Youka Wao as Franz.
And I'm speaking about the original *^*
My next wish, which unfortunately will have to wait until I'm in Japan is now Rose of Versailles Yukigumi 2006 (Komu as Oscar, Kashi as André and Mizu as Alain, if I'm informated correctly)
But I'm afraid I will need also this one:
*^* damn, it's Mizu as Andre. And it's "just" 3780 Yen. (Compared to the full version with 10500 Yen it's cheap ^^;)
(for those who are not into Takarazuka: Yukigumi performed Oscar with five different Andrés and published an extra dvd for each one)
This hobby is so expensive @0@
I need to rob a bank ;__________;
I'm away for the weekend.
If anyone wants to send me birthday wishes, don't call me in Bonn, I will stay in Koblenz :P
edit: my payment information for JWU just came.
It's a LOT of money... but it's less than I feared it would be =D