Hey guys I need some help raising some funds!
In the past 4 years we've lost 4 cats and it's taken a huge toll on my mum as she raised them from kittens and they've been such a part of our family that even now she forgets they're gone sometimes.
She doesn't know I did it but I've secretly saved a little bit of each of their fur and for Christmas this year I want to get the fur felted into little toy kitties representing each one. Each kitty will cost me between $40-$60 to get made and I want to get the 4 we lost and the 6 still with us done so that's 10 kitties and a lot of money. I have enough for a few of them, but not all of them and if I want to get them for Xmas I need to be able to give the craftslady enough time to get them done.
So that's what brought me to post this and ask for help raising the money to get them done. I've stuck my e-store link below, and I'm updating with some new products later today, so if you were interested in eve
r getting any of my personal work, now would be such a great time to do so! Even a small purchase will help, and if you can't afford to buy anything I totally understand and would appreciate a like or reblog to help pass this around.
Right now my goal is to raise enough for at least the 4 we lost, so any help will be appreciated!
I know this will seem like a silly thing to be raising money for to some of you, but if it does you simply can ignore this post :)