And here's the post about comics which makes me :) not ;_;

Jul 15, 2011 19:27

I'm thinking about trying to put together another self-published book before I leave for Japans. I'm gonna try either Kickstarter or Indiegogo since friends have had good deals with both of them, esp Molly, Holy SHIT girl! U SO POPULAR!

But I'm not sure what TYPE book I should put out.

There's always been a lot of requests for a full color artbook, so I could do a color artbook to go with the B&W one. This would probably be the easiest for me as it would just require me doing some new illusts.

But then there's this comic I want to draw, that's unrelated to anything, it's um...kind of like a pilot in WSJ? You know how Bleach and Naruto had pilots that were like first chapters but were still kinda self contained enough that they were testing the waters? Well, that's what this comic is. It's self contained but if I were ever lucky enough I'd want to make a series out of it. I thought I could draw the comic (approx40-50 pages) and then include character designs, roughs and color illusts for the story all in the same book. Like a pitch in book form without all the boring parts of a pitch lol.

Buuuuut then I thought maybe I should do a theme artbook instead and expand upon themes I already started/work with. I started the suicide series, the shirtless guys in jeans with things on their heads series (which I would love to title the book just that) and I was thinking about doing a general male pinup series or maybe a more interesting to me self-mutilation-pin-up series.

So I don't know. I don't know what the main draw would be and DA is really no help at all anymore. So I'm leaving this post public so anyone who may be interested in my art enough to actually buy a book, give me feedback on what they most would like to see.
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