friending meme IV: the voyage home

May 09, 2010 17:39


So the event is over and it has been a long damn time since I've posted a meme of any sort, so I figured a meme is in order. There've been quite a few new muns since last time (I'd like to imagine), so I figured that we should have another friending meme! If not, that's okay. i don't need friends sniff

Time for the standard copypasta!

Journal to Friend:
Characters You Play:
Characters You Played:
IM Contects?:

LJ Contains:

Plotting Policy:
Friending Policy:
IMing Policy:

Name: Your name!
Journal to Friend: The journal we'll be friending.
Characters You Play: Characters you play in Mayfield or elsewhere.
Characters You Played: Characters you used to play here, then dropped.
Age: How many years have you walked upon this planet?
Gender: What do you identify yourself as?
IM Contacts?: If you have AIM or anything else, post those here.

Fandoms: Your favorite fandoms.
Hobbies/Interests: Your hobbies and interests.
LJ Contains: What your journal contains. Warn people if it contains anything NSFW (not safe for work).

Plotting Policy: How should people contact you about plotting? What plots are you interested in?
Friending Policy: Should people ask before friending you? What criteria must people meet for you to friend them? JUDGE ACCORDINGLY.
IMing Policy: Should people IM you whenever they want, or ask first? Do you bite? Should they get their shots first?
Etc.: You probably missed something. That's not my fault.

Get to work friending!

friending meme

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