
Dec 20, 2011 16:02

that other CR мeмe

1. List your characters.
2. People you have CR with ask you to tl;dr about their relationship, and how your character perceives theirs.
3. Everyone wins.

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Pokey Minch | Earthbound godisachild December 20 2011, 21:07:03 UTC
watsowned December 20 2011, 21:13:33 UTC
Pokey's first impression of Wendy, go!


godisachild December 20 2011, 21:28:58 UTC
Pokey, for the most part, is an unpleasant person, and doesn't take very well to other people. Really, he gave Wendy a head's up about the place because, even if he is a serious little asshole, he wouldn't wish the worst this place can deal on the unprepared to anyone for the most part.

Still, in a weird way? He likes Wendy's dry, sardonic attitude and sense of humor, and the fact that she has apparent knowledge of video games (and violent ones at that) is neat. He wouldn't consider a person of the greatest interest, but hey, she's practical and apparently interested in video games, so that'd be enough for Pokey to think about bugging her again in the future.


Re: Pokey Minch | Earthbound crusthatecean December 21 2011, 00:43:45 UTC
Pokey on Karkat


godisachild December 21 2011, 01:13:25 UTC
It's difficult to say Pokey "likes" someone per se. He's inherently an anti-social asshole who has no real clue how to treat other people. Even now when he's begun to mellow out and is trying to make friends, people still in general piss him off ( ... )


miss_enma_ai December 21 2011, 01:30:31 UTC


godisachild December 21 2011, 01:58:45 UTC

Pokey is still....really conflicted on Ai. But whereas it had been before a weird sense of protectiveness over Slugger, it's now just his own uncertainty as to how he feels about Ai in regards to himself. For the most part, he doesn't mind her, and later on he kind of feels bad for when he does act like an asshole too her. At the same time, he doesn't really care too about her except that she's one of Slugger's important people either way. He's happy enough talking to her if he runs into her, but unless there was an emergency it's unlikely that he'd seek her out.

That being said, her being one of Slugger's important people also makes her someone important to him, or at least someone he would defend because of the importance she holds to Slugger. If she were in trouble, he would work to help her because he knows Slugger would do the same for someone important to him.


getsciencedone December 21 2011, 01:31:22 UTC
Remember that time I killed you?

That was fun....


godisachild December 21 2011, 02:03:01 UTC
It was a barrel of laughs.

GLaDOS is among one of the most...complicated relationships Pokey has in Mayfield. After getting his throat slit a year ago, he's still frightened and, to a point, hostile towards her. But as seems to be the case with Pokey, he's...warming up isn't necessarily the best word. He's coming to not be as malicious towards her or the way he thinks about her. Actually talking about their shared love of science and the fact they've both developed a conscious here has kind of worked to make it not as big a barrier. And the amount of work she put in with Josephine also kind of makes it so Pokey owes her one in that regard.

I don't know if they'd ever be on entirely friendly terms, but I think they'd at least be capable of socializing/working together by this point since they have a middle ground now. He's also totally joining the science club when that goes up.


hungry_monster December 21 2011, 01:31:55 UTC


godisachild December 21 2011, 02:07:24 UTC
So far, Pokey only knows Johan has some guy Slugger is apparently friends with/is Slugger's teacher. He seems pleasant enough, and because he's just pleasant in conversation and not some "love and peace blah blah type", Pokey doesn't mind talking to him. He really hasn't had enough yet to tip things to the point where Pokey can see or get a feel for Johan's true nature, nor has Pokey put together the fact that Slugger being friends with him could mean Johan is also a "monster" of sorts.

That being said, if he did find out what Johan's like I can't see Pokey being particularly bothered by it. Really, I think he'd more or less at least accept Johan's presence due to the fact that he has a good relationship with Slugger, and unless that soured there's very little Johan could do that would really immediately drag him into Pokey outright disliking him.


likescats December 21 2011, 01:33:50 UTC


godisachild December 21 2011, 02:10:41 UTC
Pokey is beginning to pretty quickly warm up to Death/Bill. Pokey's pretty used to dealing with monsters/the supernatural/weird abstract creatures, so talking to Death isn't too big a deal for him. He's kind of surprised to find out Death is as calm as he is, or as kind of normal in a lot of ways, though that's something that also adds to making him easy to talk to. In a lot of ways, I think it's become easy for Pokey to forget who he's actually talking to/dealing with when he speaks to Death, due to the combination of Bill's rather normal behavior and Pokey's own being used to weirdness.

Death isn't on, say, Pokey's high-up list of people he cares about, but Pokey definitely doesn't mind being on good terms with him because he's actually pretty fun to talk with anyway, and he tends to get along much better with the abnormal/supernatural than he does with regular people.


Re: Pokey Minch | Earthbound bread_goes_bip December 21 2011, 01:41:51 UTC
Thoughts on Death so far.


godisachild December 21 2011, 02:14:25 UTC
Pokey likes Death/Didi, or at least tolerates her. Really, he was grateful to even just have someone to talk with in the bunker after his brother and Ai and Slugger died, so he kind of owes her for that. He doesn't mind her, and kind of likes her personally, but in a weird way I think he's put off by the fact that she sounds so human. In comparison, Disc!Death while behaving in pretty casual, almost normal ways also has a much....simpler time talking is what I'm trying to say. Bill just says whatever he thinks is important at the time, and he rarely goes through reasoning. Pokey sees that Didi does kind of go through reasoning when she speaks like they did in the bunker, and because there is a little more of an immediate human element, even in speech patterns, it's hard for Pokey to fully be comfortable around her as much as he is around Bill ( ... )


brbgoing2russia December 21 2011, 01:48:18 UTC
Pokey's thoughts on Ozma.


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