1. List your characters. 2. People you have CR with ask you to tl;dr about their relationship, and how your character perceives theirs. 3. Everyone wins.
Bernkastel considers Lion a toy to play with. It took her quite a while to find Lion's piece, given how rare he is, so she does enjoy getting to torment Lion to her heart's delight in Mayfield. That isn't to say she always goes for torture, of course. She is actually perfectly willing to just have a conversation with Lion, if only for his amusing reactions.
Bernkastel is interested in Blue. She thinks he's at least intelligent enough to have decent conversations with, and he generally keeps a cool head about things, which is always interesting for her. She would like to try to get him to express himself a bit more, just because she thinks it would be kind of fun, though.
Bernkastel thinks the Major is great fun. He provides entertainment for free, and people always give him such a reaction that she can easily watch from the side with popcorn. She doesn't mind giving him a few trinkets just to see what he'll do with them. Of course, she doesn't trust the Major, she's not stupid, but she is entertained.
Bernkastel does pay attention to what Doc Scratch makes publicly available, and she thinks he's quite interesting. She's starting to possibly consider spending some time giving some attention to the trolls he seems to interact with, just to see what's up with them. Aside from that, she would like to speak with him more.
Bernkastel is interested in Taiwan as a concept--country people are interesting, at least for now. She'd like to pull Taiwan apart and see how she ticks. Metaphorically. Maybe. Aside from that, Taiwan is very easy to troll, which Bern appreciates when she's in need of some light entertainment.
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