because we obviously need more plotting posts...

Nov 14, 2011 15:05

And since that's over with: I wanted to talk about something- in fact, the S.O.S. Brigade, otherwise known as Haruhi's brigade to take over the world with fun by finding the supernatural and playing with them. However, the fact is moot here in Mayfield since the supernatural is ridiculously easy to find. So, ICly here, Haruhi has decided to pretty much renew the brigade and start over.

The core of the brigade's reason of existing still exists, but there's now another reason for its existence in Mayfield: to gather valuable information about the place and find a way out.

I honestly don't know if there's already a group like this (if so, please tell me and I'll make a note of that), but basically the brigade can be summed up by this:

- Having fun with the supernatural
- Gathering and sharing ideas about Mayfield (whether it be in general, or about the IMPORTANT things)

Anyway, I was thinking that meetings would happen once a week at a place where drones never go to - possibly Haruhi's house, but if not, I'll find a place eventually OOCly. And as far as recruitment goes, everyone is allowed as long as they don't aggravate the leader too much. These recruitments will happen once a month ICly, for about a week if there is no event after all applications are in/accepted, longer if there are events.

So: how about it? As usual, comments, questions, concerns in the threads! S- Sorry if this is not very coherent, this is my first time trying to organize something like this and I'm not too good at it..

cr, plotting

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