On October 19th I will be "Making Strides for Breast Cancer" at the walk in Laconia for the 3rd year in a row. This year I decided to ask others to donate along with me, and if you can't contribute financially I would love to walk with you!
Thus far breast cancer has touched my mom, both of my aunts, my nana, first cousins, second cousins, coworkers, families I work with, friends, professors, and countless others.
When I was in high school my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Within a year both of her sisters received the diagnosis as well. Each had different surgeries and treated it differently. Mastectomies, lumpectomies, radiation, chemotherapy, trips to the hospital and doctors office were frequent -- daily, for a while.
After treatment, and along with their brother, all four were tested for BRCA1 and BRCA2, hereditary gene mutations known to make you more susceptible to breast cancer. My mom and one sister tested negative, while my other aunt and uncle both tested positive for this gene. Their mother died from lung and breast cancer (and their father died at only 52 from pancreatic cancer) so a genetic predisposition to breast cancer (among other types) definitely runs in the family. Because my mom didn't inherit the mutation I don't have it either, which is simultaneously a relief and disconcerting because even without the gene, women have a 1 in 8 chance of developing breast cancer during their lifetime.
It's hard to explain to those who haven't been through it how it feels to watch your entire immediate and extended family cope all at once with second opinions, consultations, biopsies, surgeries, radiation treatments, chemotherapy, research, medications, and never-ending follow ups..
This year I will be raising money and walking 5 miles for my Aunt Martha, whose doctor accidentally discovered a few months ago that her breast cancer returned and has metastasized throughout her body.
I felt so powerless to help when I found out, but then I realized that I could ask others to help me help her and other women with breast cancer.
Please, take a few minutes to donate online. Even a few dollars can add up quickly when we all join together. My goal is $520.00. Just click the link below. Thanks guys :)
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer - 2008-2009