Funny Week

Aug 12, 2009 15:56

I haven't posted for a while as I have been caught up in school holiday kiddie looking after some days and trying to keep myself sane on the others.

Finally had my appointment with the hospital and they have stuck a heart monitor on me, literally - don't think I'll ever get the sticky pads off! I have got to wear it until Friday then take it back to them - it's a bit like being back at school because they have given me a little 'diary' to fill in as well when I am having a dicky turn.  My daughter has named me 'Taliban Mum' because I've gor wires sticking out of my chest - just hope I don't run into any anti-terrorist police.

Also made a huge boob - it is about 12 months since I bought my new car so I have just renewed my Insurance on Aug 9th, just assumed tax was the same until I looked and it ran out at the end of June!!!! Que a quick re-tax on-line session with the DVLA.  Some days I just shouldn't be let out.

I've been working on some more artwork and managed to get a (very) small pic published in Photoshop Creative magazine and I've just done my entries for Richard_Stills - I'm not at all confident with icons but if you don't try you never get anywhere.  As I can't really go out anywhere decent while I'm all wired up I am catching up with my artwork and my knitting.
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