Keeping Busy

Jun 17, 2009 12:30

It has been a rather fraught couple of weeks.  Daughter's firm went bust and everyone was out of a job overnight - this of course happened three days before they were due to be paid.  What really upset the apple cart is that the bosses must have known they were in trouble yet they encouraged various staff members to carry on as usual visiting clients and paying out for hotel bills, travelling etc; so, as well as wages, a lot of them are owed expenses as well!  Luckily for most of them they work in an industry where everyone knows everyone and there were rival companies offering jobs very quickly.  For daughter she was re-employed within a week and is just hanging on now for payday as, by the time she is paid, it will be 2 months since she had any income!

I have now had so many blood tests they must have checked me for every disease known to man! We have a new nurse at my doctor's and although she is very gentle and I didn't feel a thing, after taking the last lot of blood she stuck one of those diddy round plasters on my arm - of course as I was leaving I noticed blood dripping down my arm so went back and she had to bind it up properly!! Looked as though I'd had my arm cut off when she had finished. Her last words were 'don't go out through the waiting room you might frighten the others who are waiting'!!!

It has been really lovely here the last few days, been sitting out enjoying the garden, and I couldn't believe the problems other parts of the Country have had when I saw them on the News - then this morning here it has gone colder and is pouring down and blowing a gale - that'll teach me to be smug.

Enjoyed Robin Hood on Saturday.  At last they are coming up with decent scripts, about time to it's only taken them 10 episodes. The scenes with Jonas and Richard were much better, not too sure about the new boy Archer yet, a bit too cocky for me but we'll see how he develops. Some nice comedy elements and one-liners.

Read about the new castings for The Bill for when it goes to one episode a week and pleased to see that my other top totty is still there (and promoted). Apparently Primeval has died the death which is a pain as they left it on a cliff-hanger.  Yes, we could see a mile off how it was going to be resolved but if they were going to shelve it (the excuse is budget cuts) then the least they could have done was make a one-off 'special'  to tie everything up.  A lot of kids watched that show for the monsters etc they will be very disappointed. No doubt, knowing ITV, the early Saturday evening slot will now be filled with reality/tv clips or quiz shows.

Have now finished the second book in Steig Larssons's trilogy.  Can't recommend these too highly they are an excellent read starting with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the second one The Girl who played with fire, but I am going to have to wait until October for the third and last novel. Might give ma a chance to catch up with my 'to be read' pile.

the bill, robin hood, richard armitage

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