1.0 1.1 Hello, everyone! My Simming endeavors were put on hold last month for NaNoWriMo, but I'm done and I've collected enough images for a post! The next chapter, 1.3, will probably mark the end of this generation and have the heir poll, but I figured the chapter would be ridiculously extensive if I didn't split it.
A warning before we begin, though. It's been some time since I've taken a bunch of these pictures and my computer refuses to sort them in date-order, so things may be a little out of whack. I apologize. Onward!
Last time on the O'Brian Legacy, the second child of Generation 2, Kayla, was born, and her older brother Shylock became a teen. Their mother and the Legacy founder, Chloe, progressed up her career track while simultaneously attempting to fulfill her lifetime want of maxing all her skills. The co-founder, BJ, held down the fort and raised the kids. Then I got new defaults so everyone looks slightly different. Shylock and Kayla are going to be our candidates for heir, two very different siblings who are very close.
Shylock: Alright, Kayla, math is simple. You just have to, like, carry the two...and do the remainder thingy. Then you subtract five from everything, and find the GCF with the infield-fly rule created by the great mathematician...um...some Greek dude. Artemis or something.
Kayla: This is my social studies homework.
Shylock: It's all the same.
Shylock: And now you know how to study, right?
You're a Family Sim for a reason, Shylock.
She got her A+ anyway, just like Shylock did when he was little.
They're really close siblings, though. Every morning I get their fun bars up for school by having them play rock-paper-scissors and stuff.
Kayla: Hmm...but if I move my bishop to E3, it exposes my last rook and I can't have that. Ugh, I need a foolproof strategy if I want to--
You know, in other people's games, their Sims point out windows or towards interesting things. But my Sims just point at walls.
Somehow, though, it works.
Kayla: Now that you point it out, this wall is super-interesting.
Shylock: Heh heh heh...I mean, I know, right? Keep looking.
And what is Chloe up to, you ask? She's still going to work and bringing home the bacon; she's very nearly at the top of the Science career, and when that happens, I'm really going to dedicate her to her LTW.
BJ is still obsessive-compulsive and he still cleans everything in sight, which is very useful and cool and stuff.
At some point, Kayla spun up a want for one of those toy dog things, and I decided it couldn't hurt. I even built a minuscule puppy room for it.
She named him Oreo, because he was the same color as Oreos and because I like Oreos.
Kayla: OMG PUPPY!! :D :D :D
BJ: Woah, something cool is happening--! Oh, it's only a boring toy dog.
Hey, shut up. It makes her happy and--
Kayla: Bored now.
Oreo: *sulks*
I believe that at this juncture, I installed FreeTime and became obsessed with discovering everyone's pre-destined hobby.
I love this so much.
So I got him an ant farm and he really likes the telescope now. Meanwhile, Chloe skills.
Speaking of Chloe, she's a Mad Scientist now! But she really can't get a break, because from here on out it's going to be constant skilling in between her meager but well-paying hours on the job.
BJ: Congratulations on your--
But she gets the job done, you see.
Aaaaand here come the hobby people.
Hobby Lady: YAY MUSIC
I imagine if Chloe was permitted to reply to this, she would respond with something like "CUT THE HIPPIE BULLSHIT AND GTFO OF MY HOUSE."
Wow, when she goes into her outerwear, she's just another unremarkable F1. And her hair magically grows.
This hobby does not work in my mind. Also, what the hell, I didn't get a pop-up!
I am fairly certain this is out of order due to Chloe's misaligned life bars, but I do not care. Look at her aspiration benefits!
Kayla: I get to make my bed?! ALL RIGHT!
Wait, since when is Science your predestined hobby? I didn't get a pop-up for this!
Shylock is really responsible; his parents were a bit too busy to collect the groceries. He keeps rolling up wants for flirting and first kisses and all, so I decide it's time for an outing.
Shylock, what the hell? First of all, it's Sophie Miguel. No one likes her. Secondly, she doesn't match ANY of your turn-ons. At all.
Dude, are you serious? YOU HAVE A COUCH. YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS.
Also, Sophie Miguel is swooping in for the kill there.
Shylock: Dancing?! Um, no. I don't even know you.
If you have negative chemistry with her, WHY DID YOU HEARTFART HER? HELP ME UNDERSTAND, SHYLOCK.
I fulfilled that cell phone want, so now he's just kind of kicking around waiting for a suitor who he is actually attracted to.
Shylock: This place is nice! Check out my delighted face here.
Thanks! It's a lot that came with FT, but I remodeled it and added cool things.
It's taking a really long time for Shylock to discover his predestined hobby. He looks like he's having fun as he's pumping the jams, but Music and Dance isn't for him.
I have a couple of Simselves and other Sims I've made kicking around in houses to spice things up and/or serve as love interests for O'Brian kids. Hi, Kyra. She just kind of walked by without stopping or doing anything, and Shylock did not get a chance to greet her. His jams were just too pumped at that moment.
He did say hello to Jules, though. My CAS works occasionally, so I'm still in the process of importing people who want to hang out in Bridgeport. Again, Jules didn't really do much besides chat with Shylock.
Meanwhile, Sophie has cornered Melissa Fancey.
Melissa: Oh, geez. Don't turn around, don't make eye contact, and maybe she'll go away...
Damn you, Ivy Copur the Younger! *shakes fist*
Apparently this witch has forgotten that green Tempra paint is out now.
Helicopter: Bzzzzzzz
Witch: What is that mysterious buzzing noise...?
Shylock's not into Tinkering or whatever hobby helicopters stimulate, if you were wondering.
But as Shylock throws a football into Benjamin Long's face, he realizes his calling!
I can get behind a hobby where you just throw objects at people and then get to yell at them if they don't catch it. With this, he's headed back home.
Kayla: Ooh, an ant farm! It's so weird how little things I do can alter their whole world!
Yeah, it's crazy...
Kayla: Roar, you are all subject to my dominion! My actions dictate the course of your lives! FEAR ME.
Chloe: Kayla! Kindly go play god somewhere else!
Besides, Kayla, you have other obligations. This dog won't shut up! It just sits there and howls forever.
Thanks, game, but I already know Kayla's one true hobby. And I do not care about her whiny mongrel.
Even though the game says otherwise, Kayla really seems to be into Music and Dance, not Science. She always makes a beeline for the piano if I don't direct her to do something else. So I've decided to let her actively pursue it and leave the science to BJ.
Wow, that sounds ominous...
BJ: These darn kids and their piano obsession...this is why we can't have nice things.
I'd have Chloe do it, but she's busy.
Chloe: And furthermore, charisma is a stupid, useless skill that is utterly wasting my time right now.
Kayla's starting to take after her dad, as you can see.
Anyway, the outing was pretty much a failure as its main purpose was to find Shylock a girlfriend. So tomorrow afternoon, it's time to dial up the matchmaker.
I kind of love the random name generator; it comes up with some gems. I like how both her first name and her surname end in the letter i.
Shylock: I am seeking out my one true love, my other half, the one who will fill this emptiness in my very heart and soul. Also I want babies someday and aliens aren't my thing, you know? Will you help me in my journey to find true love?
Matchmaker: It depends. How much is true love worth to you? Like, monetarily?
*hums Matchmaker song from Fiddler on the Roof*
I was wiling to spend a decent amount, considering that if I didn't find Shylock a match he would be upset forever and I wouldn't be able to fulfill his biggest wants.
I have to say, I love the matchmaking animations. They're so deliciously over-the-top and theatrical.
What the hell, Matchmaker?! That girl is a cashier! Hell, she was at the community lot when Shylock went out on the town! He could have asked her out for free! Also, she's a brunette without full-face makeup and therefore she doesn't match his turn-ons!
Well, I'll be damned. It seems like Shylock and Michelle here have two bolts! That's good enough for me; this couple is a go.
Michelle: Hmm...your scarf inspires me to create. And ooh, you've got a very symmetrical neck. I like that.
Shylock: Um, cool. Yeah.
It's what happens when you date an Arts and Crafts girl, I guess. Artists are crazy, trust me.
SHYLOCK. YOU STOP THAT RIGHT NOW. I go to check on the rest of the house and make sure no one's died or anything and he immediately starts to noogie her. That's not how you get your first love, Shylock.
Once things got back on track, it all progressed rather nicely.
Score! First kiss want done.
At first I was angry that I wasted money on someone he could have met for free, but I like them together. Even though it looks like she is suctioning his face.
Also, this is nice. She has prospects to be a useful Legacy spouse if Shylock wins the poll.
The date went well, by the way.
After the date, Shylock got a boost to his reputation meter, which I have never ever had happen because I have no idea how reputation works. But it was randomly cool to get the pop-up.
He's so ~distinguished~ now, you guys.
Shylock: Michelle is so awesome, I love her so much and she's super-pretty, and someday we will grow up and get married and have babies forever and then we will be old and have grandbabies and it will be glorious. Doesn't it sound glorious, Kayla?
Kayla: Um, sure. Can we play a board game or something?
BJ: We can have chips for dinner now?! SWEET!
Oh my God, everything is out of order and it is ridiculous. But that's it for now; next time, it's Kayla's birthday and we will have an heir poll! Now I have to get all the pictures I took for the next Hermione's ABCs chapter and put them in the correct folder, because I forgot to...sigh.