Imagine a world which was the past, and yet, also the future...
A world where time marches on without faltering...
A world where basements lead to a curving maze of treasure, booby traps, and adventure...
A world which leads to the overuse of ellipses, because it's just that cool...
A world where Imago Granger had no pain or hardship...
A world where she could fulfill her wildest dreams...
A world where everything is obviously super-dramatic, due to the abuse of ellipses...
A world with a lot of sentences starting with "A world..."
A world where June is having way too much fun with these dramatical sentences...
Hi, everyone!
I just spent a weekend at my awesome aunt's house. She introduced me to Sims, she's nice, and she spoils me like woah. It's pretty damn awesome, and she's migrated on to TS3 so I played it at her house. I took a trillion pictures, and so here I am to share them! Care for a spot of pudding? Surprisingly, it's rather satisfying. My aunt has all the EPs, so I had such fun.
So I resolved to recreate a TS2 Sim to be my TS3 guinea pig. And I chose Imago, just because I could.
idk why I took this, I wasn't finished. But that's the basic facial sculpt, with maybe some minor edits afterwards. For comparison, here's an image of TS2 Imago:
Ugh, I'm so bad at this. But whatever.
Imago: Let's get this shit over with, then.
I really do like the traits system and the moodlets, but the premade faces are too goddamn similar for my liking. It's obnoxious. Also, TS3 is an absolutely gorgeous game...with the right system, that is. I've played TS2 on my aunt's computer for ages and never had any lag whatsoever, even on the biggest lots, but TS3 took time to render and such. I wouldn't want to play it on a computer like mine, or even attempt it. Poor Frankenstein would vomit up his motherboard if I brought a copy of TS3 into the house.
Anyway! Onward! Imago's in Sunset Valley, and she's off to explore.
She rolled up a want to join the Law Enforcement career, so she hails a taxi down to the police station and signs up. The station's right across the street from the park, so that's our next stop.
/one of many look-how-pretty-this-game-is-omg pictures
Damn, I wish the chessboards here had pieces already set up. :(
Imago: Feh! You call that a Zwischenzug?I laugh in the face of your puny facade!
This is such an Imago face, isn't it?
The park was pretty crowded, so I played with the new socials and shit. I recognized a lot of the animations from TS2, tbh.
Then she got hungry, so she crashed this picnic.
Imago: Yes, I'm totally fascinated with what you have to say. Now pass me some melon.
Imago: Well...shit.
What's the deal with my Sims burning hot dogs? Do they really fail THAT hard?
So life went on for awhile and then Imago attended a chess match down by the beach.
Guys, look, it's Malcolm Landgraab! Turns out he likes chess.
Malcolm: I ate ALL my vegetables today. You better be afraid.
Imago: Guess what? My house is SPARKLY, bitch. What now?
Random Dude: WOOOOOOO
Who are you and why are you so excited for chess? It's a tranquil game.
Imago: And guess what? I just got KICKING YOUR ASS!
She won and completed her chess opportunity. Opportunities are another thing I like, because usually they're fun.
Imago: Shut up, I'm on the phone!
/Imago face
Damn, that's some fish!
Okay, remember the guy Imago met in the park? This is his heavily pregnant wife, carting around their kid. She's the first pregnant Sim I've ever seen in this game so I commemorated it.
Immy in her uniform. She just looks so sharp, I love it. (And look at the scary Goth mansion up on the hill there! Cool.)
/Imago face
Imago: Ew, I don't want to talk to you.
Imago: STFU
Look, it's Kaylynn Langerak! Damn, she's older than she looks, huh?
If you'll notice, this isn't Imago's house. Her coworker lives here and Imago was tired, so she crashed here for the night and made pancakes in the morning.
It was at this point that I wanted to recreate some other Sims, so I went to CAS. I started with myself, and it's painfully bad. But my main concerns were traits, tbh.
Here I am! I picked the traits of Bookworm, Easily Impressed, Good Sense of Humor, Frugal, and Excitable. But I didn't actually put her into the game.
Then I made Inigo, just because I could. I gave him the traits of Bookworm, Genius, Neat, Good, and Perfectionist, and selected the LTW of famous surgeon or something. In the end I got attached to pudding!Inigo, so I decided I wanted to play him in a different hood.
But I made Vanessa for him before I popped them into Twinbrook. Vanessa's traits are Genius, Family-Oriented, Perceptive, Disciplined, and Good, and her LTW is to be surrounded by family. Yay.
I didn't play them much; I got up to like Week Seven with Imago, but only played a couple days in Twinbrook. But it was long enough for Vanessa to not only roll up the want to have a baby, but to have a baby specifically with Inigo.
Inigo, meanwhile, just kept wanting to read books and earn logic skill.
But I did make one Sim who I put into Sunset Valley and didn't play, just to see how she behaves...
Everyone please say hello to pudding!Heather. I gave her the traits of Artistic, Clumsy, Couch Potato, Good Sense of Humor, and Family-Oriented, and the LTW to be an interior designer/architect thing. I moved her into the same home as Imago's coworker, whose house we saw earlier, so Imago can meet Heather easily. Fun times!
Immy's taken up tinkering with things and she's pretty good at it. She makes things self-cleaning! :D
I don't know how hitting a stove with a hammer makes it fireproof, but who am I to question the logic of the Sims?
Apparently now Sims can rummage in their neighbors' trash cans, and Imago is a police officer so she's allowed to check for narcotics and guns and stuff. Yeah.
Hey, you got promoted! Yay!
Imago: *bitchbitchbitch*
-time passes-
Heather: omg Imago! 8D
Imago: Hi, can I sleep at your house again?
Heather: I'm not exactly sure what's going on. I just woke up and found myself in this place, and suddenly I have a craving for pudding and I'm living with a bunch of strangers. I don't quite know what to make of--
Imago got this cool interaction to discover the traits of others because of her career, so she interviews Heather.
Heather: Why is my womb empty...
(She was probably hungry, but this is way funnier.) Heather, there are like two other dudes living here. Why don't you take an initiative and--
--oh. Well, there's still the other one, right?
Guess not.
LOL, Heather totally stole the bed from those other two girls.
Roommates: *NOT AMUSED*
Imago then visits the cemetery and decides to tour the catacombs. She found a book and gave a hair to a ghost, and all was going fine.
But then she met a zombie bear and it all went to hell.
Undeterred, she visits the Goths, and woah, Mortimer's a teen! That was fast.
They kicked her out because it's late, but she hung around for a little while.
omg ghost
Man, that brought me back. I loved Carmen Sandiego when I was like 10 or 11.
Look, it's Bella Bachelor!
Imago visited another friend's house. It's her boss's crib where he lives with his girlfriend, and they said she could sleep over even though they only have one double bed. So she just napped all night. (Jerks.)
What the HELL kind of uniform is this?
She gets promoted again, yay! And she gets another opportunity to go to the criminal hideout and do a raid, so she's off.
Imago? Isn't it a bit obvious to cruise into the criminal hideout in your police car?
Criminal: Hey boss? I think there's a cop here.
Boss: Don't be stupid, we're totally in the clear.
Criminal: But there's a car out there--
Imago's raid was successful and she completed the opportunity, although she might want to consider the powers of subtlety next time.
She decided to visit the Keatons (aka Dude From The Park and Pregnant Lady With Baby) because surely the baby has been born by this point.
Here's one kid. His name's Gregorio, but I can't find the other kid for the life of me, and Mrs. Keaton is definitely not pregnant anymore. *confused*
Imago goes to the salon with the intention of getting a tattoo, but the tattoo artist just left the lot after this.
Stupid Guy: May I ask your profession?
Tattoo Artist: You're a fuckwit.
So instead, Imago's going to get a new look!
She looks like she's ready for an ~adventure~
I was still confused as to how tattoos work, and then Heather showed up so Imago talked her into letting her give Heather a tattoo.
Heather: *moseys along*
Heather: I'M SO HUNGRY
Imago: Oh, hold up, my phone's ringing...I should probably take this. Hold the gun a sec, okay?
A pop-up said that the tattoo "didn't turn out how we discussed."
Excuse me while I laugh my ass off at Heather's ink job. I invite you to join me.
Imago's off to work (in her stylin' pinstriped heels) and with this, I decide it's high time for her to get started on that LTW of hers.
Welcome to Champs Les Sims! Very pretty.
Imago: BORED
Well, hop on that scooter and let's have an adventure!
I don't think that's such a good idea. Anything could be in there.
Imago: Like harmless, pretty orbs of light?
Shut up.
I really want that wallpaper for Sims 2. Surely someone's done something like that? idk how difficult it would be.
Yes, she's exploring the sprawling underground beneath the nectar plant.
Yay for hidden doors!
Most of the treasure is nectar, but it's *really good* nectar.
She's having such fun!
Unfortunately, Imago doesn't have the tools to unlock this door, and our tour draws to a sudden end.
New day, new tomb!
I don't know if I'd trust Imago with a pickaxe...
Imago: *wheeze* The things I do for treasure...
That guy died. But Imago fully explored this tomb and made it out of the dangerous French basements alive.
Back home again, but she's planning another trip. Imago topped the Law Enforcement career, and then she quit because she was always so busy and unhappy.
Hey, look, it's the Amazing Tattooed Lady! I mean, it's pudding!Heather! I find it funny that she chose to converse with this one particular townie, because Townie's name is Cora. xD
Imago learned French songs, and so she taught one to Heather. Fun times.
Hey look, it's Kaylynn Langerak!
Imago has a breath-holding contest at the pool. She won, obv.
This girl's name is Anastasia Ursine, so I'm guessing Claire Ursine had her kid off-screen.
Her career required Imago to get a lot of athletic skill, so now she can train people. The faces she makes are priceless.
But Sunset Valley just isn't exciting enough for Imago, so she's off to Champs Les Sims again.
Holy SHIT, do all French people have hidden tombs under their houses? Jesus.
Imago: What the HELL is this? A sphinx? The hell is this doing here? This is France!
Imago: A sarcophagus?! REALLY? I am NOT opening that shit. What is it even DOING here?
The tomb led to a little room filled with plants and a gravestone, but no one cares about that.
Imago: Dude, you've got some fucked-up shit going on in your basement. Now pay me so I can leave.
At this point, I had an hour to play before I was going out with my aunt for food, and I decided to play Inigo and Vanessa some more instead of exciting Imago.
Yay, food! Vanessa stays home while Inigo works and they're both quite happy (and poor).
Inigo: I don't like it here! Everything's squishy and our family's gone and we're almost broke, I mean, I was born into money! I don't know what to do and it's all so weird and--
Vanessa: Just relax, okay?
idk he had an interaction to "worry about money" so I did it.
Wow, that's a stupid place to park.
Vanessa's off to City Hall to declare her self-employment as a painter, because she rolled up the want and they really need money.
This little girl's name is Bunny Curious, and the toddler is Notzo Curious. o hai, Strangetown shoutouts, nice of you to drop in.
With that, it's back to Imago.
Orange ice cream? Wouldn't that be sherbet?
I feel so bad for her in those heels. They're fierce, but the blisters must be fiercer.
The tomb led to the remains of a museum curator, and it is our mission to bring him to a better resting place. Imago mourned for him, which opened the hidden exit.
I thought it was so cute that mourning the poor curator earned us a reward. idk why.
As we leave the museum, a dangerous chase ensues! (Not really)
Mission completed! And with this, Imago heads back home again.
She has no job and she's bored, so she becomes a stylist because some of these townies sorely need it.
Anastasia Ursine was going for a cute preppy look, but the vest made everything RUINED FOREVER.
Yay, no more eyesore!
She drafts things on her drafting table, and I have no clue what it's going to be but she's having fun.
Gunther Goth before...
...and after.
For our next trick, the FABULOUS IMAGO will saw an old lady in half...WITH A TRAY OF UNCOOKED MEAT~*~!
Hey, do you remember Imago's friends with only one double bed? They're a premade couple with commitment issues, but omg, Pauline is pregnant! I found this hilarious for some reason.
Hank, her fiance, got fat, so Imago was training him but then, OMG, IT'S BABY TIEM
Imago: Hey, dude, Imma take your girlfriend to the hospital now, 'kay?
Hank: Okay then--WAIT WHAT
LOL, I find it epically hilarious that IMAGO'S driving this lady in labor to the hospital, and not her boyfriend.
Woah, look, they're on a billboard! That's weird.
Imago: Come on, come on, andale! Do you want to have this baby on the street?!
Look who finally showed up...a half-hour late, may I add!
It's a girl! Her name is Gloria. Imago got a positive moodlet for the birth, and I guess she's the godmother. At least in my mind she is.
/best godmother EVAR
As Imago finishes her draft, I finish my time with The Sims 3. I had fun, but I still love TS2 for oh-so many reasons. But people who just bash TS3 aren't being entirely fair; it's a good game. I think people expected 3 to be just like 2, but they aren't very similar, tbh. They're both great in their own right.
My aunt converted to TS3, but this is good news for me because she let me take my pick of her EPs as an early birthday present.
HELL TO THE YEAH! I backed up my game last night, so I'll be playing the hell out of this all afternoon. 8DDDD