Hi, everyone!
So I open up my f-list to see I've been tagged in the same meme twice by two different people. So I says to myself, "Self, how am I going to fulfill BOTH tags?" So since the different people who tagged me had some differing questions, I'll be combined them for extra fun! Enjoy!
What songs are you currently addicted to?
Misery Business and crushcrushcrush by Paramore. I'm on a Paramore trip lately.
What fictional character would you like to have clothes similar to?
Alice, from Alice in Wonderland. The dress she's always portrayed in is just so cute.
Youtube a song you like. Post it here.
Click to view
Robots or werewolves?
Jack Bauer is a robot werewolf.
Sweet or salty?
Depends on my mood. Usually sweet.
What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
TS2, obviously, but I'm also in the MCR fandom, and it's pretty lulzy. Come for the music, stay for the drama!
Cake or Cupcake?
They're the same, aren't they? I make cupcakes out of boxed cake batter.
What websites do you always visit when you go online?
I always check the daily webcomic "Cyanide and Happiness" and FML, as well as LJ, Boolprop, and YouTube.
What was the last thing you bought?
A bagel with cream cheese from the deli at my bus stop. :D
Which fictional character do you think you're most like?
Hermione Granger, if I may be so bold. I tend to be a know-it-all, and I feel very insecure when I don't know things. And I love the library.
If you could only listen to one band or singer for the rest of your life who would it be?
I'm a huuuuuuge MCR fangirl, but I don't think I could only listen to one band forever!
What do you do to change your mood?
Draw or write. Sometimes I just stew in my own rage until I get bored and am out of swear words, though.
What was the last meal you ate?
What time are you usually on the computer?
On weekends, like all day until bedtime, but on school days mostly in the afternoon and evening.
Five things you can't live without:
1. Friends, family, etc.
2. Internet
3. Computer. *huggles Frankenstein* And mp3 and other technology. And Sims.
4. Books.
5. Assorted foodstuffs, such as bagels, ice cream, brownies, and the amazing chocolate chip cookies sold in my school cafeteria. If you're lucky they're still hot and gooey in the center...yummy.
First line of the song you're listening to now:
Gaze into her killing jar, I'd sometimes stare for hours.
-"The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You," My Chemical Romance
What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
"WHYYYYYY?!" (I'm sad because MCR's drummist, Bob Bryar, has left the band. Which is NOT GOOD because he's a kickass drummer. *weeps in emo corner*)
Your favorite emoticon:
hXc (See Sim Spork.)
If money were not a problem, where would you like to live?
Dunno. I like it here, actually.
Do you ever wish you were a member of the opposite sex?
Not really. I like being a girl for the most part.
Have you ever shot a gun?
Besides a water gun? Nope. Don't plan on it, either.
What are you looking forward to in the next six weeks?
The school musical at the end of the month, and spring break! :D
What should you be doing right now?
Sporking. Or, like, working on this thing I have...I think it's called a Legashmy or something, I can't quite recall.
What was the last movie you watched?
I think the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Which is, y'know, awesome and stuff.
Also, birthday greetings are in order. I missed two, and am a day early for one, but better late/early/whatevia than never. Happy birthdays to
brainfishx on Tuesday,
annaf94 today, and
wgroome tomorrow! *birfday huggle*
Everyone say hello to New And Improved SimJune, now with longer hair cause my hair's growing out again, and a better outfit, and a nice key necklace. Because IRL I have a necklace with three random keys and a unicorn charm on it, but they just don't make those for Sims, so I'll settle. xD
Hope you're having a good day!
Quote of the Day: "PRANK CALL SUCKA!"