Well, It's *December*...

Dec 17, 2009 21:07

Hi, everyone!

It's really really cold out. Walking up to school from my bus stop and then from my bus stop to my house was horrible both ways. (lol way, my day has been brightened.) But wait! Complaining about the cold can only mean one thing, to be expressed in math!

June complaining about cold = June being outside = June has recovered from her terrible illness

*growl* I hate math. But it is often correct...*snarl*. Such as now. It's correct. I'm officially well, and I'm also about to fail math, so I currently live in communist Russia until my grades get better...D: Anyway, Christmas Countdown! The last seven Countdowns will be very special...

My reaction to that song is "Well, duh, dumbass, it's winter!" Much like next time I'm bleeding or hurt, and someone's like "Are you okay?!" I'm going to be like "NO, fatass, I'm BLEEDING!" (I feel mean today...)

Oh, and say hello to Alpha SimJune, everyone, and say hello to everyone, Alpha Sim June. That there is my first Simself, in Veronaville, who I only played to test out boolprop cheats so I don't blow up my game, unlike SOME people. *coughheathercan'tmakereaperbabieswithoutblowingupastravillacough*


But anyway, yeah, Alpha Sim June is an ADD-striken Pleasure Sim with a giant manor in Veronaville nextdoor to the Summerdreams and across the street from the family I stopped playing like a year ago. She's also quite different in looks from Better SimJune. Haha, pun...Beta and Better...*snicker*

Quote of the Day: "Oh my God, you're doing a scene from Shakespeare?! You're my new best friend!!" ~June  

veronaville, shakespeare, no fatass i'm bleeding, nina is my desktop background, june are not punny, heather almost blew up av, christmas, shakespeare is awesome, lol fail, alpha simjune, heather can't use boolprop, i heart veronaville, june is no longer sick!, i are cold, christmas countdown, random, subtle!june

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