Blast from the Past

Dec 14, 2009 18:10

Hi, everyone!

Lookie at my pretty new userpic! The awesome "PWNED" shirt's by Clare, aka ohmycake42 , writer of the Spifftastic Legacy. So remember when Harry said Bella being pregnant was "spifftastic"? Yes, Clare got a nice giggle out of that. :D

I think the shirt's awesome, but it got rejected at MTS. Boo. I bet you all want it too.

Anyway, taking a stroll down memory lane for today's Christmas Countdown!

Oh, man, I do so love Veronaville. I never played the premades much, I went in and gave some of them makeovers but somehow avoided all the catastrophe set up by Maxis in Veronaville due to my own plots and pure obliviousness. Ignorance is bliss! Or maybe just because I never played the Summerdreams with their disastrous party and such.

So the Sims up there are Hermia Capp and her born-in-game boyfriend Adam Summerdream. Yes, Adam is Puck's son, with another born-in-game Sim named Alyssa Phelps. They have two other kids; Adam's twin Oliver and their younger sister Celia. All three have namesakes from the play "As You Like It." When I first got the game over a year and a half ago, I yoinked a teen from Veronaville, Sharon Day, and dropped her out of Uni and got her married off and such. Alyssa was the result of that pairing, and then Adam, Oliver, and Celia from Alyssa and Puck's marriage. The kids all look strongly elfin, which is awesome. Anyway, I stopped playing them and their giant, lagging, horrendously built house when I started Hermione's ABCs, and they weren't all too interesting, to be quite honest. I still love Veronaville, and now I wanna grow up some of the premade kids...

Random rambling is random!

Quote of the Day: "Fantastic!"


fantastic!, capp, rambling, veronaville, pwnd, blast from the past, i heart veronaville, christmas countdown, random, christmas, shakespeare is awesome

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